剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第72期:OG32 Recording 60(上)
日期:2016-01-14 07:54


Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.
OK, moving on. Unfortunately, there's been an increase in the number of minor crimes and anti-social behaviour in the general area and I want to talk about some specific prevention measures that are being proposed.
First of all, the skate park. As you probably know, it's well used by younger people in our community but unfortunately we're getting more and more reports of broken glass - making it especially dangerous for younger children.
One possible solution here is to get rid of some of the trees and bushes around the park — making it more visible to passersby and vehicles.
If the vandals know they're being watched, this might act as a deterrent.
As you will have heard, a couple of local primary schools have also been vandalised recently - despite the presence of security guards.
你们可能也听说了, 最近一些当地的小学也遭到了破坏,哪怕保安在场也不管用。
The schools don't have the funds for video surveillance, so we need people in the neighbourhood to call their nearest police station and report any suspicious activity, immediately.
Please don't hesitate to do this.
I expect most of you are familiar with the problems facing Abbotsford Street.
It seems that no amount of warning signs or speed cameras will slow speeding drivers down.
I'm happy to say, however, that the council have agreed to begin work over the next few months to put in a new roundabout.
What else? Oh, yes. The news agent and the gift shop on Victoria Street were both broken into last week, and although no money was taken, the properties have suffered some serious damage.
Access was gained to these shops through the small alleyway at the back he properties - it's dark and as you can imagine, no one saw the thief or thieves in action.
So, we've been advising shop owners along there about what kind of video recording equipment they can have put in — we'll then be able to get evidence of any criminal activity on film.
The supermarket car park is also on our list of problem areas.
We've talked to the supermarket managers and council authorities and we've advised them to get graffiti cleaned off immediately and get the smashed lights replaced.
If you don't deal with this sort of thing at once, there's a strong possibility that the activity will increase and spread, and then it becomes...
That is the end of section 2, you now have half a minute to check your answers.

  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • deterrentadj. 制止,防止,挽留 n. 挽留的事物,妨碍物
  • visibleadj. 可见的,看得见的 n. 可见物
  • preventionn. 阻止,妨碍,预防
  • suspiciousadj. 可疑的,多疑的
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • criminaladj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的 n. 罪犯