剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第59期:OG25 Recording 53(下)
日期:2015-12-22 07:34


OK. We don't want to repeat stuff.
What concerns me above all else is that in a recession governments should be encouraging business to find ways to cut costs. Apparently supermarkets in the USA lose about 11% of their fruit to waste. That's throwing money away.
All right, we'll focus on that problem. It should get the others' attention, anyway.
Now, how do you want to begin the presentation? Let's not start with statistics though, because that's what everybody does.
I agree. How about we give the other students a set of questions to answer-about what they suspect they waste every day?
I'm fine with that. Probably a better option than showing pictures of landfill sites. It'll be more personalised, that way.
All right, now let's start!
Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.
OK, shall we now have a look at the projects that different researchers and organisations are working on?
For me, the project I really liked was the one at Tufts University, you know, where they've invented tiny edible patches to stick on fresh foods that show you what level of bacteria is present, and so whether you can still eat it.
It's a great idea, as it tells you if you need to hurry up and eat the food before it goes off.
The other good thing about the patches is that apparently they'll be cheap to manufacture.
Good. Then the other thing I thought was great was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology project. I hadn't seen that.
Well, they've developed these sensors that can detect tiny amounts of ethylene. Ethylene is the natural plant hormone in fruit that makes them turn ripe, apparently.
The researchers think that they can attach the sensors to cardboard boxes and then supermarkets can scan the sensors with a portable device to see how ripe the fruit inside is.
That's got to be a quicker way to check for ripeness than taking each box off the shelf and opening it.
Definitely. And I thought that Lean Path was worth mentioning, too.
那当然,而且我还认为Lean Path也值得一提。
Their waste tracking technology means that caterers can see how much food is being wasted and why.
That'll increase profits for them eventually.
Yes. And did you read about Zero Percent? They've produced this smartphone application that allows restaurants to send donation alerts to food charities.
The charities can then pick up the unwanted food and distribute it to people in need.
In the long run, that'll definitely benefit poorer families in the neighbourhood. No kid should go to school hungry.
I agree. And I read that quite a few local governments in the USA are thinking about introducing compulsory composting in their states so you can't put any food waste into your rubbish bins, just the compost bin.
Well, I guess that means a bit more work for people.
I mean, they have to separate the organic and inorganic waste themselves before they take it out to the compost bin, and you know how lazy some people are!
But I guess if we all start composting, we'd be doing something positive about the problem of food waste ourselves, rather than relying on the government to sort it out.
Having said that, not everyone has a garden so...
That is the end of section 3, you now have half a minute to check your answers.

  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • bacterian. (复数)细菌
  • donationn. 捐赠物,捐款,捐赠
  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • rubbishn. 垃圾,废物,废话 v. 贬损
  • unwantedadj. 不必要的,空闲的
  • compostn. 混合肥料,堆肥 vt. 使成堆肥
  • cardboardn. 厚纸板
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v