With all the conflicting medical advice out there, it’s hard to know whether multivitamins are a daily necessity or a waste of money. What’s a health-conscious consumer to do?
You Will Need
Well-balanced diet
Vitamin supplements
Doctor's advice
Step 1: Take it for good measure(每天补充一粒维生素片)
Take one a day for good measure. The important thing to remember is that vitamins can’t replace nutrients that come from food. Strive to eat a well-balanced diet.
Don’t take more than the recommended daily amount of a vitamin unless you are advised to by your doctor. You could do more harm than good.
Step 2: Supplement low levels(少量的补充)
Consider taking an extra supplement if your body is deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, such as vitamin D.
Many symptoms, such as fatigue, can result from vitamin deficiencies. When there’s a sign something’s wrong, have your vitamin levels checked by a doctor.
Step 3: Consider your profile(根据自己的具体情况来定,譬如孕妇,调试的人等都是不一样的)
Think about your unique needs. Pregnant women, picky eaters, vegans, and the elderly are examples of people who need nutritional supplements.
Step 4: Ask your doctor(向自己的医生寻求意见)
Ask your doctor if you should be taking a multivitamin if you’re unsure. An expert’s advice will help you make the best possible decision.
Some studies have found that high doses of vitamin E increased the chances of smokers getting lung cancer.
1.for good measure另外
如:In addition to dessert, they served fruit for good measure.
In addition to dessert, they serve fruit for good measure.
2.deficient adj. 不足的,不充份的,有缺陷的
如:We are deficient in hands.
One that is physically or mentally deficient.
3.picky adj. 挑剔的
如:I hate female boss--they are so picky.
She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.
4.fatigue n. 疲乏,疲劳,累活
如:I am utterly fatigued.
The patient fatigues easily.