To be more popular with you boys, start by loving who you are, and the rest will fall into place.
You Will Need
A smile
A good sense of humor
Step 1: Smile(微笑)
Show them how happy you are to see them with an inviting smile.
Step 2: Take a joke(幽默)
Learn to take a joke in stride. Having a good sense of humor is an attractive quality.
Step 3: Share interests(共同的兴趣爱好)
Focus on similar interests. Having something in common can help a relationship evolve.
Step 4: Support them(相互支持)
Support their interests. Play a game of soccer with them or cheer for them at their basketball game.
Step 5: Ask advice(寻求意见)
Ask for their advice. Let them know their opinion is important to you.
Avoid gossiping and talking badly about people.
Step 6: Be independent(独立)
Be independent and know what you want without making them feel unimportant.
Step 7: Eat(交流)
When you’re on a date, order what you really want to eat. Engage in a conversation that interests you and him both.
Girls who participate in sports in general have higher self-esteem then girls who do not.
1.stride n. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步
如:She found the job difficult at first, but now she's really getting into her stride.
Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride.
I was three strides from the door.
2.gossip vi. 散播流言蜚语
如:She loves to gossip to her neighbors.
I never talk about gossip.
There has been much gossip in political circles.
3.Engage v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚
如:Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
I engaged the clutch and the car moved forwards.