日期:2012-02-22 08:00



汉语中,我们说不得不收起怨气认栽,叫忍气吞声。英语中对应的表达法恰巧也和吞有关。Swallow one’s pride 字面意思为吞下某人的骄傲,就可以翻译为忍气吞声。 比如:

I think the more attention you draw to it, the worse it becomes. So it’s better just to shut up and swallow your pride. 我想你越是在意那些事儿,那些事儿反而变得更糟。所以还是闭上嘴,咽下那口气吧。


A: Let’s ask someone the way. OK? 咱们向别人打听打听路吧,好不好?

B: Just a minute. I will figure out where to go. Believe me. 等一下。我会弄明白怎么走的。相信我。

A: Oh, please. You said that an hour ago. Swallow your pride and pull over to ask for directions! 拜托,你一个小时前就这么说。放下身段,停车问路吧。


It’s never easy to swallow your pride and admit to screwing something up. 放下骄傲,承认自己把某件事搞砸了并不是件容易的事儿。

Sometimes you have to swallow your pride to be successful in life. 有时候你得放下身段,才能在人生中取得成功。


  • swallown. 燕子,吞咽,一次吞咽的量 vt. 吞下,咽下,忍受
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .