日期:2011-10-25 14:51



—Do you have the fever? —No. ——你兴奋吗?——不。
Why? Do you? 为什么?你呢?
I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,也许吧
How about you? 你呢?
I said everybody say "ho"! 大家说“吼!”
I just gotta fuck something. 我想干什么人
Ho! 吼!
You know what I say? I say this prom is gonna be off the hook! 你知道我现在怎么想吗?我觉得这次的毕业舞会会很棒
Do you feel me? Yeah! 你们觉得呢?是的!
That's enough. 够了
That's enough. I can wait. 我说够了,我可以等
I can wait, people. 我可以等啊!
Now, here's your student council president... 现在由学生会主席……
who has a few announcements to make. 来宣布几件事情
Thanks, Mr.Salinger. 谢谢,塞林格老师
—All right. How you doing? 你们大家还好吧?
Okay, uh, let's start off with Operation Get Samnang. 我们先说说萨南计划吧
Samnang, baby! 萨扬,好!
Uh, well, we did it. 我们成功了
Uh, we raised the $25,000. 我们成功的募集到了两万五千美金
So now we can bring the genius Samnang out of Cambodia... 可以供天才萨南离开柬埔寨……
and bring him here to study at Westport. 来这里读书
Speaking of which, um, Samnang sent us a new tape. 他也给我们寄了盒新的录影带来
Show that shit! 放给我们看!
Show it! 快!
Hi, everyone. It's Samnang. 大家好,我是萨南
Yeah! Samnang! 萨南!
I'm very excited to be coming soon. 我很兴奋我马上就能过来了
—Are you excited? —Yeah! ——你们兴奋吗?——是啊!

I told my class that I'm coming to America. They were sad. 我告诉我的同学们我就要去美国了,他们很沮丧
—But I am so happy ——I want to bang you! ——我太高兴了。——我们要好好地迎接你!
—Go, Cougars! —Yeah! ——我来了,美洲狮!——耶!
How do they skip class everyday and go to the beach? 他们怎么可以逃课天天去海边呢?
Because they just don't care. 因为他们不在乎
Let's go with 'em. 我们也一起去吧

—Seriously. Let's just do it -Why? ——真的,去吧 -为什么?
Because, I mean, we never do anything. 因为我们什么也没做过
I mean, we're graduating. We should be going nuts right now. 我们要毕业了,也去做一些疯狂的事吧
—Let's just do something —I am doing something. I'm going to class. ——做些什么吧。——我是准备要做些什么,比如去上课
Klitz, you already got into Yale. I mean, it doesn't matter anymore. 克利兹,你已经进耶鲁了,现在什么都不重要了
—Yeah, Klitz, you pussy —Well, why don't you go? ——就是,克利兹你这没种的家伙。——那么你自己为什么不去?
—Yeah, come on. Let's go —Beach is for fags, Matt. ——就是,我们走吧。——海边只是给一些小孩玩的地方
—The beach is for fags? —Yeah. ——小孩玩的?——对啊
You know what? You guys are fags. 你们才是小孩吧
Everyone to the beach! 大家去海边!
Let's go! Lock 'em and load 'em, dude. 大家准备好了,走!去他妈的
Fuck it. 妈的
Personal power means the ability to act... 个人力量意味着有能力去……
the ability to take action. 有能力采取行动
that are necessary to produce the results. 去取得预想的结局
And here's number one step to personal power. It's called energy. Energy. 第一步,第一步就是精力
When you wake up feeling truly lethargic 当你一觉起来感觉精神不振
Oh, shit. 噢,妈的
Hey! Pull it over! 快停下来!
Pull it over! Pull over! 快停!


fever n. 狂热
Football fever gripped the town when the local team reached the cup final.
War fever was rising all over the Middle East.

prom n. 班级舞会(高中或大学班级举办的正式舞会)

off the hook 脱离困境
How can we extricate the firm from this trouble?
You are not yet out of the wood.

student council n. 学生自治会,学生会
The student government often embodies discipline in parvo.

raise v. 筹款
They are going to raise funds for the school buildings.

genius n. 天才
He makes much account of her musical genius.
He is a mathematical genius.
Einstein was a mathematical genius

go nuts 变得疯狂,发疯
A man could go nuts sitting around wondering what might happen.

fag n. (尤英)苦工, 苦差事;公校中为高年级男生服务的低年级男生

dude n. (口)哥们
Dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life!

lethargic adj. 昏睡的,困倦的,无生气的
The hot weather made me feel lethargic.
In fact they looked tired and lethargic and old.
The bird became lethargic at noon.
The weather made her listless and lethargic.

pull over 路边停车
Rocco was pulled over by a police officer who worried that his Buick appeared to be driverless.

  • lethargicadj. 昏睡的,困倦的,冷淡的
  • hookn. 钩状物,勾拳,钩 v. 钩住,弯成(钩装),当妓女
  • extricatevt. 使解脱,救出
  • listlessadj. 无精打采的
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • disciplinen. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科 vt. 训练,惩罚
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • skipv. 跳过,略过,遗漏 n. 跳跃,跳读 n. (
  • geniusn. 天才,天赋
  • fevern. 发烧,发热,狂热 v. (使)发烧,(使)狂热