In this Business English Pod lesson, we'll see how important it is to strategize and plan when you're handling a crisis. 在这一节的英语播客中,我们将知道的是在你处理危机的时候,制定策略和计划的重要性。
Any crisis is a test of business strength. To be more specific, it's a test of people in business. There's nothing like a crisis to show us who can handle the pressure and who will crack. Can your business come through a crisis well? Do you have people with the right leadership skills and decision-making abilities to handle the crisis successfully? Let's see how our team handles things. 任何危机都能检测到业务实力。具体来说,这是对个人业务能力的测试。在危机中能够展现出我们中谁可以很好地处理压力谁可以战胜困难。你的业务能安然度过危机吗?有这样具备领导技能和决断能力的人吗?他们可以顺利解决危机。让我们看下我们的团队是怎么处理这些问题的。
Our last episode was about taking control in a crisis. We heard Sandy and Mike report a factory accident to their boss Frank. Frank handled that early part of the crisis well. He calmed his employees down, gave them clear orders, and reassured them. 我们上个播客谈的是控制危机。我们听到了山迪和麦克向他们的老板弗兰克报道了工厂的事故。弗兰克把危机前期处理得很好。他让他的雇员们冷静了下来,下达了明确的指令,让我们确信问题可以解决。
Today, we'll see how they develop a strategy to handle the crisis. Mike has been instructed to call the company's VP of Communications in Singapore. Her name is Monika Jing, and she'll show some clear thinking in assessing the problem and making a plan going forward. 今天,我们将看他们是如何制定策略解决危机的。麦克被指示打电话给在新加坡的公司的副总裁。她的名字是莫妮卡·静,她将向大家展示明确的评估问题思维和为未来做计划。
Listening Questions
1. Who has Mike talked to about the incident?
2. What does Mike say could happen if the situation is really bad?
3. What does Monika want Mike to do while she contacts other people?