This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies – saying “no” politely.
“No” is one of the strongest words in any language. Because it carries so much force, “no” is hard to say politely. Yet giving a negative reply, disagreeing or refusing a request are all things we have to do on a daily basis. So it’s important to learn how to say “no” in a way that enables you to maintain good relationships. In many cases this requires you to take a softer and more indirect approach. So today we’ll work on ways to soften negative replies in a variety of everyday situations.
In the dialog we meet up again with Nicholas Fisher, the European sales director for Harper-Tolland6. He is flying into Kiev to support local sales staff by meeting with a large potential customer, Avitek. This is a Ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft. In our dialog, Nick is being met at the airport by Harper-Tolland’s sales manager in the Ukraine, Oksana Ivanchuk.
在对话中,我们会再次听到Harper-Tolland 公司的欧洲市场销售主管Nicholas Fisher。他正飞往Kiev去帮助当地的销售人员,他将会见一个潜在的大客户Avitek。这是一家生产货物和消防飞机的乌克兰公司。在今天的对话中,Nick将和Harper-Tolland的销售经理会面。