Congratulations! You were successful in your first job round interview, and you have been called back for a second interview. What should you expect? The key word is more—there will be more questions, more pressure—and, of course, more likelihood that you will get the job. 祝贺你!你已成功通过了求职的首轮面试,现在又收到通知参加复试。你觉得会有什么在等待着你?答案的中心是“更多”。你将面临更多的提问、更大的压力,当然啦,还会有更大的机会被录用。
An important function of second-round job interviews is to find out whether we fit with the employer's company culture. 复试的一个主要目的是考察我们是否符合公司文化的要求。
In this episode, we'll study how to demonstrate that we are a good match with an organization. In addition, we'll review some other useful second-round interview skills, such as summarizing the previous discussion and referring to something you forgot to mention earlier. 在本集里,我们将学习怎样论证自己是一个机构的最佳选择。另外,还要复习一些在复试中有用的其他面试技巧,例如怎样总结之前的论述并且提及之前遗忘的部分。
We'll listen to Sherry's second interview with a big international accounting firm, Grimshaw and Keene (commonly referred to as GK.) The interviewer is George Tan, an Asia-Pacific key account manager. 我们将听到Sherry在一家名叫Grimshaw and Keene(又称作GK)的大型国际会计事务所的复试情况。面试官是George Tan,是一位亚太地区客户经理。
As you listen, pay attention to how George and Sherry establish that she is a good fit for the organization, and try to answer the following listening questions. 在听的同时,请注意George和Sherry是怎样论证她是这家单位的合适人选。同时请回答以下问题:
Listening Questions:
1. George describes GK as both "high-pressure and" "tremendously rewarding," but he is concerned about whether or not Sherry is ready to "take the plunge." What does he mean by that?
2. What does Sherry say is one of the things that most attracts her to GK?
3. What is George's major concern about Sherry's work experience?