Larry和李华打算乘火车去Larry家玩。Larry家住在纽约郊区。 Larry和李华还打算去纽约市旅游。李华会学到两个常用语:do the math和know the drill。
LL: Okay, Li Hua, I don't know how we are going to do the sightseeing and also spend time with my family. I mean, you do the math - how is it going to work?
LH: Do the math? 这很好算嘛。我们有四天时间,24小时乘以4等于96个小时 。我们总共有96个小时。
LL: Oh, Li Hua, I guess I didn't mean for you to actually do the math. When I said "you do the math," I meant something like "you think about it."
LH: 原来你说"do the math",意思是考虑一下,不是真的要我算。Larry,是你请我到你家去,还要到纽约玩, 你应该考虑呀 - You should do the math。另外,去纽约玩要花多少钱呢?我这个当老师的可没有很多钱啊。
LL: Don't worry, Li Hua. I've done the math. We'll save a lot of money by staying at my parent's house. Plus they will feed us.
LH: 能住在你父母家就太好了,可以省很多钱。 Larry,你知道我是穷学生,凡事都要精打细算才行。I have to do the math all the time。
LL: You know that is very smart. My younger brother could really have learned something from you.
LH: 你弟弟向我学习?我有什么好学的呢?
LL: Well, when he moved out and got his first job, he really didn't do the math. He ended up needing help from my parents, because he wasn't making enough money.
LH: 你弟弟真傻,第一次拿到工资就觉得自己很有钱,要搬出去住。他肯定没想到房租那么贵。你弟弟现在怎么样了?
LL: Yes, he is now making very good money waiting tables at a restaurant.
LH: 我也听说餐馆服务员收入不少。
LL: In one hour he might wait on ten tables. If each table tips him between five and ten dollars。Well, you do the math.
LH: 每小时服务十桌客人,每桌客人给5块或是10块美元的小费。哟,你弟弟一个小时就能挣50到100美元。 看来,我也改行作服务员算了。
LL: No, Li Hua. You are definitely meant to be a teacher. He's making what seems like a lot now, but in the long term - if you do the math - I think you'll be doing better in the end.
LH: 从长远来看,我以后会挣得比你弟弟多?但愿如此。
LL: Okay, Li Hua, we're now at the subway station. You know the drill. Have your ticket ready ...
LH: 地铁票?我有呀。 Larry,你刚才说: You know the drill, 这是什么意思啊? Drill不是一种工具吗?
LL: Well, a drill is a tool。But a drill can also be a routine. Knowing the drill is knowing a routine - it is knowing how things are done.
LH: 噢,to know the drill就是知道一件事该怎么作。我当然知道怎么坐纽约地铁了。先要买票,然后把票放进自动检票机,否则就进不去。对吗?
LL: That's good. But do you know the drill when it comes to taking a taxi in the city? We have to do that next.
LH: 什么?我们下了地铁还要打的?我可没有在纽约打过的, 我是随时拦车呢,还是要到指定的街口等呀? I really don't know the drill。
LL: That's OK, Li Hua. I'll teach you what you need to do - then you'll know the drill.
LH: 我是得学学。我在纽约人生地不熟的。 没有你,我一定很紧张。
LL: Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don't know the drill.
LH: 是呀,在不熟悉的地方有时心里是很不安。我刚来的时候不知道怎么乘公共汽车,有一次差点走丢了。
LL: But now you are an expert. No one would say you don't know the drill now!
LH: 当然了, 不过我也不是什么都知道, 还要向你多多请教。Larry,我们这是去哪里呀?
LL: Oh, the usual places in New York City. You know the drill: go see the Statue of Liberty, go see a play on Broadway, and then go eat in Chinatown.
LH: 对,到纽约来玩的人都是去这几个地方, I know the drill。先去自由女神像, 然后接着去百老汇看戏,然后去唐人街吃饭。
LL: I'm glad you are excited about eating in Chinatown. Because when it comes to ordering in Chinese, I really don't know the drill.
LH: 这你放心,Larry。 你不会点菜,我来点。 I know the drill 。
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是do the math,意思是考虑、算计一下。另一个是know the drill,也就是说知道怎么作某件事情。