今天是星期一,Larry和李华约好上完课一块儿吃午饭。Larry告诉李华他周末做了些什么事。今天李华会学到两个常用语:set of wheels和the pits。
LL: Bob gave me a ride in his new set of wheels on Saturday. That car is so awesome. It rides like a dream!
LH: 你说Bob让你坐他新的什么?Set of wheels?你是在说Bob的新车吧?
LL: Yeah. "Set of wheels" or just "wheels" is a slang term for car. Or you can just say wheels. Bob's new wheels are really cool.
LH: 噢,所以set of wheels或者wheels都可以用来指汽车。对了,Bob有没有告诉你,他花了多少钱买那辆新车?
LL: He didn't say and I thought it would be rude to ask; but I know that a car like that costs at least $35,000.
LH: 那样的车至少要三万五千美元?那可真是一大笔钱哪!
LL: I suppose it's worth it if you have that much money to spend. For people like us, who are still studying, it seems like a lot of money.
LH: 是啊,像我们这种穷学生,对这么贵的车,可是想都不敢想。不过,Bob有一份好工作,钱赚的多,所以才能买这么贵的车。
LL: Just imagine, in a few years, you and I will be able to afford wheels like that.
LH: 嗯,就算以后我能赚这么多钱,我大概也不会用来买那样的车。
LL: Why not? I'd buy a set of wheels like that if I had enough money.
LH: 我认为你不必花那么多钱就能买辆不错的汽车,而且你还可以把剩下的钱买别的东西,像是买房子啊!
LL: That's true. I guess it depends on your priorities. If it's really important to you to have a fancy set of wheels, then it seems worth it.
LH: 每个人的优先考虑都不一样,如果有一辆豪华车对你来说是重要的,那就值得。我呀,宁可把钱存起来,或用在其他东西上。
LL: Bob got into an accident and ruined his new car. Isn't that the pits?
LH: 啊!Bob撞车啦!好可怕, 那他受伤了吗?
LL: He had minor infuries, but he'll be okay.
LH: 噢,受了轻伤,那倒还算好。Larry,你刚才说the pits,那是什么意思?
LL: If something or someplace is "the pits" it means it is the worst situation or place imaginable.
LH: 噢,the pits,是指最糟糕,最差劲的意思。就是啊,Bob那么贵的新车就这样撞烂了,真是太糟糕了!还好他受的伤并不严重。
LL: I visited him yesterday and he's kind of depressed. Fortunately, his insurance will pay for a new car.
LH: 你昨天去看他啦?他情绪低是可以想象的。不过,保险公司会出钱帮他买新车,那太好了!那Bob什么时候可以拿到新车?
LL: He has to special order another car like his and it will take several months. Until then, he won't have a car to drive.
LH: 他为什么要定做一辆和他一样的车呢?这不但要等上好几个月,而且几个月没有车开。That's the pits! 要是我,换一辆车不就行了吗?
LL: I know. His injuries won't allow him to walk very well and now he doesn't have a car to drive either. That really IS the pits.
LH: 真可怜。Larry,我们可以带Bob去吃晚饭,让他开心一点啊!我们可以去学校附近那家新餐馆。
LL: No, I tried that place last week and it's really the pits. Let's take him somewhere a bit nicer.
LH: 你说那家餐馆很差劲。好吧,那我们就让Bob自己决定上哪儿吃饭喽!
今天李华学到两个常用语。第一个是set of wheels,就是指汽车,你也可以说wheels。另一个常用语是the pits,是指最糟糕,最差劲的意思。