Larry和李华刚刚考试完毕。李华告诉Larry,她考得很不好。今天李华会学到两个常用语:Kiss something goodbye和Lose one's cool。
LH: Larry! 今天的考试真难,我连三分之一都没做完。
LL: What? That's not good. I guess you have to kiss your “A” in that class goodbye.
LH: 你在瞎说八道什么呀? 我现在很不高兴,还要和谁亲嘴?
LL: No, no, Li Hua, that's not what I said! I said “You have to kiss your ‘A’ goodbye". Kiss something goodbye indicates one accepts he or she won't or can't have something.
LH: 噢,我明白了,kiss something goodbye在这里不是指和谁接吻告别,而是指一个人知道不会得到他要得东西了。你是说,我这门课考试没考好,所以就得不到A了。
LL: That's right! Li Hua, did you ever have to kiss something goodbye before?
LH: 我有没有遇到过这种情况呀?我想想...对了。 上次我把手套忘在出租车里了。所以,这手套就再也没有了。I have to kiss my gloves goodbye! 这意思对不对?
LL: That's right. But when your bike was stolen last week, I bet you thought you would have to kiss that goodbye.
LH: 没错,我真以为那自行车被偷了,从此就没了。没想到警察帮我把它找了回来, 我就不必跟自行车“kiss goodbye”。
LL: And when you left China, you had to kiss your mother's good Chinese cooking goodbye.
LH: 是啊,很久都没有吃到我妈妈烧的菜了,有的时候真想家。Larry,我毕业以后可能会离开纽约到一个小城市去工作,那我就吃不到纽约许多不同的风味小吃了。
LL: I'm staying here in New York. So if that's your plan, you'll also have to kiss interesting conversations with me goodbye.
LH: 是呀,我要是真的离开纽约, 我就不能跟你经常聊天了。不过,我们可以打电话啊。
LL: That's right. Well, anyway, it's too bad about that test. I guess you will have to kiss your “A” goodbye.
LH: Kiss my“A” goodbye,我可真不甘心。我得找教授谈一谈。
LH: 这就是教授的办公室。
LL: Sure is. OK, Li Hua, when you go into the professor's office to talk about that test, remember, don't lose your cool!
LH: Don't lose your cool! 这是什么意思?难道我会丢失什么吗?
LL: I said “don't lose your cool”. Don't lose your cool means stay calm, don't get angry.
LH: 噢,don't lose your cool是要我冷静, 不要生气发火。 Larry, 前天我们开车明明没有超速,可是警察拦住我们, 我当时差一点要发火,可是没有"lost my cool"?
LL: No, you didn't lose your cool, you were calm. One time I lost my cool with a bus driver because he didn't stop the bus at my stop.
LH:你跟司机发脾气, 当然不会有好结果。
LL: Yep. I had to wait for the next stop and walk back. If I hadn't lost my cool and had nicely asked him to stop, I wouldn't have had to walk so far.
LH: 你看,和司机法脾气没好处。你得等下一站才能下车,再往回走。看来你要冷静地和他商量,keep your cool,他没准就停下来了。
LL: That's true. I heard more people lose their cool in the evening than in the morning, when they are fresh.
LH: 那是可以想象的。人工作了一天累了就容易发火。早上人很清醒,情绪就比较平静。好了, 闲话少说,我得进去找教授了。
LL: Remember, when you go in there you don't want to lose your cool, or you can say, you want to KEEP YOUR COOL. Lose your cool and keep your cool are opposites.
LH: 知道了,lose your cool就是失去冷静;keep your cool就是保持冷静。总之,遇事一定要冷静就是了。
LL: That's for sure. I'll wait out here. See you in a few minutes.
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是kiss something goodbye, 意思是失去、损失。李华学到的另一个常用语是lose one's cool意思是变得不冷静, 或是说keep one's cool这是保持冷静的意思。