Larry和李华一起出去买东西, Larry说他肚子饿了。李华会学到两个常用语:grub和hustle。
LL: Li Hua, I am so hungry. We need to find some grub quick.
LH: 你怎么又饿了?你想吃什么?Grub? Grub是什么?
LL: Grub is food, and right now I need to get some grub; otherwise, I am going to start eating the shoes I bought.
LH: 原来Grub就是食物。你也太过分了, 你再饿也不至于吃你刚买的鞋子啊。 你要是真的啃鞋子, 我就要给精神病医院打电话了。
LL: Oh, I see a place up ahead called Ranchero. They've got pretty good grub there.
LH: 我也看见了那家叫Ranchero的餐馆。你说他们的饭菜很好, 真的吗?这家饭馆是什么风味的呀?
LL: It is a Mexican restaurant. Mexican food is some of my favorite grub.
LH: 你喜欢吃墨西哥饭? 我怎么不知道。 对不起,我可不喜欢吃墨西哥饭。我们能不能去别的餐馆呢?
LL: Well, I am pretty hungry. But I suppose we can spend a little more time looking for a place with grub we both like.
LH: 对,找个我们俩都喜欢吃的地方。这附近有个叫汉宫的中餐馆,他们的菜很好吃。我们去汉宫,怎么样?
LL: Actually, a friend told me that the grub at China Garden is not so good. It isn't very authentic...
LH: 汉宫的中国饭不地道?你听谁说的呀?我觉得还是不错的,当然不能算是第一流的。
LL: But another friend said that the grub at China Garden was much better than he thought.
LH: 每个人的口味不一样嘛。有的人觉得不正宗,这个朋友又觉得比他想象的更好。我看,你呀, 这么饿就别挑剔了。有什么就吃什么吧!
LL:You're right. I guess at this point I am so hungry I can't be too picky.
LL:Of course, the grub you get at any restaurant is never as good as home cooking. Come on, Li Hua, let's go to China Garden.
LL: We better hustle, Li Hua!
LH: Hustle ?那不是一种跳舞的步伐吗?你想去跳舞?
LL: The hustle *was* a dance popular in the U.S. in the 1970s. But I'm not talking about old dance moves. I mean we better hurry.
LH: 我明白了, 你的意思是我们要赶快,hustle跟70年代流行的舞步毫无关系。可是我们要付了账才可以走啊。这位服务生的动作怎么这么慢呢。
LL: You are right, he isn't very fast, is he? We need to let him know we need to hustle.
LH: 好, 你去告诉他我们需要赶紧走。我呢,去用一下洗手间。
LL: But you have to hustle right back, Li Hua; otherwise, we won't make the bus.
LH: 你放心,我马上就回来。我知道我们要赶六点的汽车呢,晚了就赶不上了。
LL:No, Li Hua, I think we need to hustle out of here right now. Otherwise we won't be able to make it.
LH: 有那么紧张吗? 现在不走就赶不上车啦?
LL:Yes, I'll just leave the money on the table. Let's go!
LH: Larry, 好主意,把钱放在桌子上, 可别忘了给小费。
LL: Yes, I have included the tip。
(sound of opening the door and running)
LL: Oh, no, Li Hua! There is the bus. We aren't going to make it!
LH: 跑得我都气喘不上来了,结果还是没有赶上。真倒霉。Larry,你要是真有急事的话,我们就去坐出租车吧。
LL: That's a good idea, Li Hua.
LH: 对了,Larry,你这么急着回家,到底有什么事呀?
LL: The season finale of my favorite TV show is on at eight P.M.. I really can't miss it.
LH: 原来你要在八点前赶回去看你爱看的电视剧!我的天啊, 我还以为你有什么急事呢。