CNN环球风采英语听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第11期:哈瓦那的加勒比海风情画
日期:2015-02-11 11:53



In Step with Havana Ballet Star CarlosAcosta Explores the Sights,Sounds and Flavors of Old Cuba




Havana is vibrant. It's [a] chaotic, veryfriendly,happy place, very colorful. It's beautiful. It's all those things,into one city.


I'm Carlos Acosta. This is My City, MyLife. This is an art market. You know, there's a lot of painters here. They arereally, really good. This is sort of like a Cuban scene where the musicians areplaying. You can see the folkloric instrument[s]. You know, the Spanish guitar,the rumba; it's sort of like, you know, the whole heritage, you know, what Cubahas inherited. The colors, they're pretty much alive, which is exactly whatthis place is. It's a very, very alive place.


What I like about, you know, this city isthat it never stops. Just like those cars are 60 years old. You know, there isno way that they could find parts, but they find some Russian part and put itinto that, maybe hang it. You know, get the hanger from the coat, do a part orsomething, and they... I don't know. They manage to keep it running, and it'slike life never stops-keeps going, you know. That's what I love.


Beautiful, this is just beauty. This isvery exotic, you know, a Cuban mulatta with the green eyes with the cigars, youknow. Very erotic, very beautiful, you know. It's also Cuba, part of Cuba.


This cathedral is one of the earliestbuildings in the city, sort of like a starting point, and a lot of people useit to marry, and the ceremonies are just great, and then they go and jump intoan American car. From colonial to the American era and then they finish with aRussian car. It's just crazy.


This is the Plaza de Armas. This is theonly wooden road in Latin America. There was somebody from sort of like fromthe colonial times that used to like to sleep the siesta a lot. So they built,you know, this wooden road so the carriages wouldn't wake him up. Howconvenient, no?


This is José Martí, you know, one of ourgreatest thinker[s] and our national hero. He said that a country should beeducated in order to be free.




For people here, music is almost a shelter.All the sorrow all the frustration goes away with music and a very good mojito.


Sugar,lime juice, cherryliquor, ice and, of course, Havana Club. Daiquiri, a drink that was born herein this place. This is the famous Floridita where Hemingway used to come andhave this drink. Everybody knew what he wanted, so he'd just sit down, he'd takethe drink and then walk down Obispo with the drink. Everybody knew him.Everybody respected him.


These are secondhand books for sale. Mandela,you can find [a] Picasso story, Hemingway, and of course, you know, Che. AndChe is [a] really, really big, big symbol. And now with all the movies beingmade, everybody gets out everything from Che, you know, that's possible.


The level of literacy is quite high andthat's also, that's what make[s] Havana, I would say one of the safest citiesin the world. A cab driver might be able to speak to you in three languages.You know, it's just amazing.


Oh, it's like a carnival15 going on overthere. Yeah, we should go and do some dancing. Cuban people, they live outside.And so because of that, you know, the human contact is greater and moreinterest[ing].


That's why I like this road. People up anddown, you know, going about their business, talking, all this other thing, themusic. You go, you grab a coffee-whatever-come out. It's great. And just bywalking here you could have a very, very good time, you know, on just this oneroad. At the end you had the Cathedral, the Plaza de Armas, and then at the topyou've got the Floridita, plus the sea out there and all that, and so youactually, in the whole day, you have your fun guaranteed.


  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • hangern. 挂钩,衣架,悬挂物
  • guitarn. 吉他
  • frustrationn. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西
  • respectedadj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过
  • chaoticadj. 混乱的
  • instrumentn. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械
  • literacyn. 识字,读写能力
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • cathedraln. 大教堂