高级英语第二册(MP3+中英字幕) 第10课:悲哀的青年一代(3)
日期:2015-11-24 17:29


Thus in a changing world youth was faced with the challenge of bringing our mores up to date.
But at the same time it was tempted, in America at least, to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughty alcoholic sophistication and a pose of Bohemian immorality.
The faddishness , the wild spending of money on transitory pleasures and momentary novelties,the hectic air of gaiety, the experimentation in sensation-sex, drugs, alcohol, perversions-were all part of the pattern of escape, an escape made possible by a general prosperity and a post-war fatigue with politics, economic restrictions, and international responsibilities.
Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasures illicit,and the much-publicized orgies and defiant manifestoes of the intellectuals crowding into Greenwich Village gave them a pattern and a philosophic defense for their escapism.
And like most escapist sprees, this one lasted until the money ran out, until the crash of the world economic structure at the end of the decade called the party to a halt and forced the revelers to sober up and face the problems of the new age.

  • escapismn. 逃避现实,空想;逃避主义
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • soberadj. 清醒的,沉着冷静的,稳重的,颜色暗淡的 vt.
  • illicitadj. 非法的,禁止的,不正当的
  • defensen. 防卫,防卫物,辩护 vt. 防守
  • transitoryadj. 暂时的,瞬息的,短暂的,片刻的
  • sophisticationn. 老练,精明,复杂,精密,有教养,诡辩,强词夺理
  • prohibitionn. 禁止,禁令 Prohibition:禁酒
  • fatiguen. 疲乏,疲劳,累活 adj. 疲劳的 vt. 使 .
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战