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摇滚:Stellar Kart - All My Heart
日期:2010-03-14 10:56



歌曲All My Heart

艺人:Stellar Kart


所属专辑:Everything Is Different Now



相关介绍:Stellar Kart是来自亚利桑那州凤凰城的Christian Pop Punk乐队。啥叫Christian呢?西方Christian有基督的含义,当然就是向善向美的意思咯。不过按我们的话来说,就应该是“和谐、向上、主旋律”之类的意思……


Song:All My Heart
Artist:Stellar Kart

Whoa, whoa
You fill my heart with singing
Whoa, whoa
I live to lift your name
Whoa, whoa
You'll hear the praises ringing
All for you

Jesus, you're my savior
There is no one else like you
You have all my heart
All my heart
I will sing forever
I am so in love with you
You have all my heart

Whoa, whoa
Your glory reigns forever
Whoa, whoa
We live to lift your name
Whoa, whoa
Our voices one together
All for you
All for you

Jesus, you're my savior
There is no one else like you
You have all my heart
All my heart
I will sing forever
I am so in love with you
You have all my heart

Let the songs of freedom
Rise in all the earth
Until everyone has heard

Whoa, whoa
Our voices one together
Whoa, whoa

Jesus, you're my savior
There is no one else like you
You have all my heart
All my heart
I will sing forever
I am so in love with you
You have all my heart

Whoa, whoa
You fill my heart with singing
Whoa, whoa
I live to lift your name
Whoa, whoa
You'll hear the praises ringing
Whoa, whoa


  • gloryn. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂 vi. 为 ... 而骄傲
  • stellaradj. 星(状的),和电影明星有关的,主要的,一流的