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摇滚:人去楼空心憔悴She Doesn't Live Here Anymore
日期:2008-12-15 10:33




I hear your voice
I touch your hair
I see the traces
This house of ours
We used to share
My dream has turned
To nightmare

I sleep no more
I dream no more
There's nothing here
To wake up for
I talk no more
I sing no more
Don't function like

I did before

Because she doesn't live here anymore
She hardly calls at all
Now when she's gone I find myself lost
Staring at the wall

I drink again
I smoke again

There's no one here
To call my friend

I swear again
I'm mad again
So troubled since

I don't know when

Because she doesn't live here anymore

She hardly calls at all
Now when she's gone I find myself lost
Staring at the wall

She doesn't live here anymore
She hardly calls at all
Since she's been gone there's nobody here
To catch me when I fall

来自瑞典的Jay-Jay Johanson是当今瑞典音乐鬼才、当今乐坛中少数个性唱作诗人,穿梭忧郁与哀伤间的浪漫复兴运动骑士,以电子合成乐催起人们内心波涛汹涌情绪。他将纤细飘移的独特嗓子,与后现代复古爵士风情、浪漫唯美电子节拍、颓靡阴郁Trip-Hop氛围、融合成述尽沉沦与心碎低回呓语之魅惑乐章。

1996年秋天杰杰强森(Jay-jay Johanson)发表他的首张个人专辑《Whiskey》,苍白孱弱的形象、阴郁纤细的歌声与冷调却异常催情的曲风深植人心。十年後的今天他已完成个人第六张录音室大碟《The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known》,杰杰强森前两张作品毫不掩饰他对舞曲迷恋。新作《The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known》回到他早期的创作路线,多愁善感、自艾自怜的情绪全反应在他孤独的低吟浅唱之中。最新专辑预计收录11首作品,除了杰杰强森始终如一的动人歌声外,此次更著重於取样与合声的运用。

  • functionn. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会 vi. 运行,起作用
  • troubledadj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的
  • nightmaren. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇