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摇滚:Daughtry- What I Meant to Say
日期:2009-08-17 17:56



酷帅光头的造型、粗犷迷人的嗓音,个性男歌手克里斯道奇虽然成名于“American Idol(美国偶像)”选秀比赛,却充满着无比充沛的摇滚热力,与其说是想成为美国偶像,倒不如说他更适合成为摇滚巨星。

  首张同名专辑《Daughtry》刚发行,便以三十余万张销售量空降亚军,并持续发烧热卖,九周后更强势回升全美流行专辑榜冠军宝座,累计销售冲破百万大关。首支单曲《It's Not Over》搭配美国话题电视影集《Prison Break(越狱)》主题曲,已冲上流行单曲榜Top 4+热门数字歌曲榜亚军+成人抒情榜Top 8,散发如Creed乐团般Post-Grunge的响音力道与曲式;以吉他播奏拉开序幕的《Over You》成为乐迷票选第二波主攻,Chris的高亢声调仍架构在中版动听抒情摇滚旋律中,不时紧扣聆听者的双耳;《What I Want》有着火力全开的激爆高能量摇滚酵素,以重击鼓声的阵阵敲击,包裹由摇滚名团“枪与玫瑰”吉他狂人Slash助阵的吉他猛飙Solo;急迫的重摇滚音浪再次于《There And Back Again》中出现,挑起喧嚣鼓噪气氛,并展现Chris感染力强烈的歌喉;《Feels Like Tonight》、《All These Lives》、《What About Now》则是专辑中令人动容的出色作品。


Artist: Daughtry
Song: What I Meant to Say

I woke up today
Sinkin' like the stones that you have thrown
Wounded by the same old shots you take
It's easier to kick me when I'm low

And I just thought that you should know
That I've been holding on while you've been letting go
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry,
But that's not what I meant to say

Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
I'm strong enough to say
That I don't wanna take the high road now
So typical of you to walk away
When your perfect little world is burning down.

And I just thought that you should know
That I've been holding on while you've been letting go
Can I be so bold?
'Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry,
But that's not what I meant to say.

What I really meant to say
With every little breath I take
I'm not the only one who makes mistakes
Just think of all the ones you've made

And I just thought that you should know
That I've been holding on while you've been letting go
Can I be so bold?
'Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry,
But that's not what I meant to say.
Not what I meant to say
Can I be so bold?
'Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry,
But that's not what I meant to say.


  • boldadj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的
  • typicaladj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的
  • solon. 独奏,独唱 adj. 单独的 adv. 单独地 v