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摇滚:Radical Face - Kin
日期:2014-03-30 09:57


歌曲Ghost Towns

艺人Radical Face


所属专辑The Family Tree: The Branches



相关介绍Ben Cooper is more than just a musician: he’s a storyteller, and a good one at that. Cooper, who previously was one-half of Electric President, brings his voice to the table as Radical Face and has now completed the second installation of his musical trilogy, The Family Tree.
The Family Tree centers around Cooper’s fascination with history, genealogy and fictional events. Although the story of the Northcotes is more mythology than history, Cooper has taken elements from people in his life to create this musical story.


SongGhost Towns
ArtistRadical Face

grandma's singing in the bedroom
it's a near forgotten lullaby
that she used to sing when I wasn't well
father's outside chopping firewood
like he did when he'd been drinking
or when he and mom were at it again

grandpa's rocking chair is rocking
I can hear the wood complaining
and the idle taps as he empties his pipe
I do my best to just ignore them
but the sound always finds me
despite them being dead and gone

I hear them all the time
I hear them all the time
I hear them all the time
I hear them all the time

I hear you all the time
I feel you in my mind
I cannot sleep, but I'm tryin'
I hear you all the time



  • idleadj. 无目的的,无聊的; 懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的
  • radicaladj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的 n. 激进分子
  • trilogyn. 三部曲
  • ignorevt. 不顾,不理,忽视
  • fascinationn. 魔力,魅力
  • genealogyn. 宗谱;家系;血统;系谱学
  • fictionaladj. 虚构的,小说的
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • mythologyn. 神话,神话学,神话集
  • musiciann. 音乐家,作曲家