日期:2009-08-19 13:31


VICKI:Hey Matt, are you feeling ok? I don't think you're looking too well today. Are you okay?

MATT:Am I okay? No, not really. I've got a temperature, a headache, a sore throat….I think I'm going down with something.

VICKI:Oh dear…I'd say you're going down with the flu!

VICKI:So poor Matt is not very well.

MATT:Yes, I think I'm going down with the flu. But I've got to fight it off Vicki! We've got a programme to do.

VICKI:What a professional, trying not to let yourself get ill, trying to fight it off.

MATT:The show must go on!

VICKI:I've got some pain killers in my bag somewhere…Here…

MATT:Oh. Thanks, that should bring my temperature down.

VICKI:Yes, hopefully it'll reduce your temperature.

VICKI:And here's some water.

MATT:Thanks. Cold water will cool me down too.

VICKI:Yes, if you're feeling hot and unwell, drinking water will stop you being so hot.

MATT:(drinks) Argh. That hurts my throat!

VICKI:Hmm you're a difficult patient! Why don't you go and have a bit of a lie down?

VICKI:So, Matt, how are you feeling now.

MATT:Oh…I'm feeling much better thanks! I think I'm getting over it all.

VICKI:Well that's a relief.

Go down with sth(esp.BrE): to become ill/sick with something 患…病,感染上…病
Our youngest boy has gone down with chickenpox.

Fight sth off: to try hard to get rid of something, especially an illness or a feeling 击退,打倒
He fought off the cold by wearing warmer clothes.

Bring sth down: 减少,使降低
We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.

Cool sb down: 使感到凉快或凉爽
Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down.

Get over sth: to return to your usual state of health, happiness, ect.after an illness, a shock, the end of a relationship, etc. 从疾病(或震惊,断绝关系等)中恢复常态
He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he’ll get over it.

I've got a temperature:我发烧了


You're a difficult patient: 你这病人真不好对付.
Difficult: (of people)not easy to please; not helpful 难以讨好的,难以取悦的,不愿帮忙的

  • disappointedadj. 失望的
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • reliefn. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比 adj
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧