日期:2009-08-18 13:53


例一: I'm just ringing about your job interview last week. I'd like to say that we were very impressed by your job interview and we'd like to offer you the job.

She says "We'd like to say… we were very impressed by your interview". 'We'd like to say…' is a formal way of introducing the topic. It's a way of paying someone a compliment before you give the news. A less formal way would be to say just 'you did a great interview', but it's still common to pay someone a compliment before you deliver the good news. Next she says "we'd like to…offer you the job". Again, 'We'd like to…' is a formal way of introducing good news. You can use it in any formal situation, for example 'we'd like to…give you a pay rise', or'we'd like to…offer you a place at university'.

"We'd like to say…"是引出话题的一种正式的表达法.在用这个句型时,你往往先对某人表示赞赏,然后再给出好消息. "you did a great interview"就比较直接,也没那么正式.
"we'd like to..."也是给出好消息的一种正式的表达法,可以在任何正式的场合中使用.
We'd like to give you a pay rise.
We'd like to offer you a place at university.

例二: Right, well we've got some good news for you. We'd like to move you up a grade. That means promotion and quite a bit more money every month.

In this example, the man says "We've got some good news for you…" and then he tells it. This is a very simple but common way of introducing good news. You could use it in lots of different situations, for example ‘We’ve got some good news for you… you've been chosen to play football for your country', or 'We've got some good news for you… you've won a prize'.

"we've got some good news for you…"是告诉他人好消息的一个简单常见的方式,可以在多种场合中使用.
We've got some good news for you… you've been chosen to play football for your country.
We've got some good news for you… you've won a prize'.

例三: We've got a bit of news for you, are you somewhere where you've got some company with you or can you sit down somewhere? I'm really pleased to tell you that actually you've won the jackpot this week and it's forty-five point two million pounds.

She asks if the person's got some company, which means she wants to check if there are some people there. She also asks if the person's sitting down. This is a very common thing to say to someone before giving surprising or shocking news. And to introduce the news itself she says "I'm really pleased to tell you…" Again, this is a useful way to introduce any good news. You could say "I'm really pleased to tell you… you're the winner of our competition", or "I'm really pleased to tell you… you got the job".

在告诉某人一些令人惊讶或者是震惊的消息前,说" are you somewhere where you've got some company with you or can you sit down somewhere?"是很常见的.
"I'm really pleased to tell you…"也是引出好消息的很常见的方式.
I'm really pleased to tell you… you're the winner of our competition.

I'm really pleased to tell you… you got the job.

例四: On top of that, I've got one extra bit of good news I think you might want to hear. We've just heard that you've got a place at Oxford University.

She says "On top of that, I've got one extra bit of good news..." and then she tells the person they've got a place at Oxford – a university with a very good reputation. Again, this is a common way of delivering lots of good news. Save the best bit until the end!

那么如果我们同时有几个好消息要告诉别人呢?这时,on top of that就可以派上用场了,它的意思是:除…之外,在这里具体的含义就是”除了刚才那些好消息之外,我还有个好消息要告诉你”. 这是同时宣布几个好消息时常见的表达法,我们中文里不是常说,要把压轴好戏留在最后嘛^^
We've just heard that you've got a place at Oxford University.

  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • complimentn. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意 vt. 称赞,恭维
  • promotionn. 晋升,促进,提升
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛