英语六级听力新题型模拟2016(第2套) 长对话(2)
日期:2016-04-07 16:43





Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A.He is a real man supposed to be a believer.
B.He is the interviewer of the talk show.
C.He is a well-known movie star.
D.He is a character in The X-Files.
A.He went to the best public school as a smart boy.
B.He had studied acting for many years since college.
C.His decision was beyond his mother's expectation.
D.He lived in a happy family with his parents.
A.You will become stronger wherever you are hurt.
B.Your goal is to make yourself wounded.
C.Your goal is to hurt others if you are wounded.
D.You will become stronger if you hurt others.




Conversation Two


W: Good evening, David, I'm so glad to have you here.
M: It's my pleasure. Thank you for inviting me on the show.
W: OK, David, let's first talk about the character you played in The X-Files. (5) The character, whose name is Mulder, is supposed to be a believer. He deals with those unbelievable, wild and often disastrous events.
M: That's true.
W: From what I have read, I know that starting from your childhood, you were always a smart boy, went to the best private school, and were accepted at most of the Ivy League colleges. It's even more surprising when you, who were on your way to a doctorate at Yale, took a few acting classes and got beaten by the book.
M: You bet. (6) My mother was really surprised when I decided to give up all that in order to become an actor.
W: Sure. But talking about Mulder, do you believe at all in real life, the aliens, people from outer space, you know, UFOs, all the things that the TV series deal with?
M: I think they are real. They must be.
W: Are you dark and moody in real life just like Fox Mulder?
M: I think so. I think what they wanted was somebody who could be this hearted, driven person, but also appear normal.
W: (7) Your father and mother divorced when you were eleven. Does that have effect on your life?
M: Yeah, I think that the only way to think of it is that, you know, people are saying (8) "your wound is your goal", you know, "wherever you're hurt, that's where you'll become stronger." So, that's what it's really about...
W: OK. It's time for a short break. We'll be back in a minute.


5. What do we know about Mulder?
6. What do we know about David?
7. How old was David when his parents divorced?
8. What's the meaning of "your wound is your goal"?




W: 晚上好,大卫,很高兴你能过来LxQmA!NhbNrUXXR&M8
M: 我很荣幸^1eg-B5vvWw=fcLYvx[。谢谢你邀请我来参加这次的节目b&frb)4tN%Jys_-7tOk
W: 好的,大卫,咱们先来谈谈你在《 X 档案》里饰演的角色mS8m;YX-9UI)J)p6。你在《 X 档案》中饰演的角色 Mulder, 是一位忠实的信徒,经常处理一些匪夷所思的、灾难性的事件H-b-+yyX2W=VH(
M: 没错f8JRFmioFt^WBE
W: 据我所知,你从小就是一个非常聪明的孩子,考上了最好的私立学校,还被常春藤盟校录取f!fe%SXOsRDqK^~。更让人吃惊的是,听说你在即将考取耶鲁大学博士学位的时候,选修了一些表演课程,进而迷上了这本书RI5)82vH^_Po)R
M: 的确如此nmYBbKwQ6ObNbdwJ。而且当我决定要成为一名演员而放弃一切的时候,我的母亲吓了一跳U2!Q1Fp7t;]9kUWo
W: 当然了bcV3H~!Jy^3q_~#.KO。不过话说回来,你觉得现实生活中是否存在像Mulder一样的来自外太空的外星人,还有UFO这些经常出现荧幕上的东西?
M: 我觉得这些东西是存在的iZ1tUKS)a_。他们一定存在bd7gkkg*Ww
W: 那你是否和角色Fox Mulder一样,经历过失落、困顿的时期?
M: 是的~x4K=*_z9S。我觉得这个角色需要的正是一位既有热心肠和坚韧毅力,外表又很平凡的人o2_G]R#iAKDQ-XYRwo=n
W: 听说,父母在你十一岁的时候离婚了gjYxnrTb_@+ENmyzVMS。这件事对你的生活有什么影响吗?
M: 是的,我觉得唯一可以安慰自己的就是人们常说的那句:“你受伤的地方就是你要战胜的目标”,也就是说“在哪里受伤,就要在哪里变得更加坚强S.yu,P6%dGm1。”所以,事情就是这样了.....
W: 好的,中场休息一下,iiP,zD[b6。观众朋友请不要走开,我们马上回来P3__#D=+LvNru-


5. Mulder是一个什么样的角色?
6. 我们可以了解到关于David的什么背景信息?
7. 父母离婚时,大卫几岁?
8. "your wound is your goal"是什么意思?












【小题5】这个问题的答案可以从女士所说的话中找到,eIo%uRXMEFkJ3|[7R。她在介绍 David 时提到,他在《X档案》中饰演的角色 Mulder, Mulder 经常处理令人难以置信的、经常是灾难性的事件vu9k1.ayh5DdseVbj|。因此,选项 D 为正确答案#[]4T6XD6i6)hd
【小题6】这个问题的答案可以从女士与男士的谈话中找到=hfX#)d33x+。女士说,据她了解,男士从小就是一个非常聪明的孩子,去了最好的私立学校,被常春藤盟校录取~D*xNDVk7o!QI@s。在他即将考取耶鲁大学博士学位的时候,他选修了一些表演课程,进而迷上了这本书b|B!@gha~Jl5+k=!5~#。男士接着说,当他决定要成为一名演员而放弃一切的时候,他的母亲非常震惊AoRM8fbiU;_X,~。因此,选项 C 为正确答案fkLj3#ojfe%mS+
【小题7】对话中借助女士的话提到 Your father and mother divorced when you were eleven.由此可知大卫父母离婚时他是 11 岁,故答案为 DTATwLQgf^UI2
【小题8】这个问题的答案可以从对话的最后找到TKq3Fal#3u。当主持人问及他父母的离婚是否对他有影响的时候,他回答说“你受伤的地方就是你要战胜的目标”,也就是“哪里受伤,就要在哪里变得更加坚强X@.~fKt4;raAW)ghAH)*。”因此,选项 A 为正确答案GVBletR)ENF

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • disastrousadj. 灾难性的
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • invitingadj. 吸引人的,诱人的 动词invite的现在分词
  • expectationn. 期待,期望
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出