日期:2018-11-22 18:15





I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA. Today, we tell about Paul Robeson. He was a singer, actor, and civil rights activist. In the nineteen thirties, he was one of the best known and most widely honored black Americans. Later in his life he was condemned for supporting communism and the Soviet Union.
Paul Robeson was born in Princeton, New Jersey in eighteen ninety-eight. His father was a former slave who became the religious leader of a Protestant church. Paul was an excellent student and athlete. Rutgers University in New Jersey gave him money so he could study there. He played four different sports while at Rutgers. He also was the top student in his class. Members of his class believed Paul Robeson would become the leader of black people in America.


Paul Robeson graduated from Rutgers in nineteen nineteen. He attended law school at Columbia University in New York City. He was only the third black person to attend Columbia Law School. On the weekends, he earned money by playing professional football. He also acted in plays. He married Eslanda Cordoza Goode while he was in law school. After he graduated in nineteen twenty-three, he got a job with a group of lawyers in New York. However, he left when he experienced unfair treatment because he was black. He decided not to work as a lawyer. Instead, he wanted to use his ability in theater and music to support African American history and culture.


Robeson became a professional actor. He joined the Provincetown Players, an acting group linked to American playwright Eugene O'Neill. Robeson was the star in two famous productions by Eugene O'Neill in the nineteen twenties. They were "All God's Chillun Got Wings" and "The Emperor Jones." Critics praised his performances. Robeson became the most recognized black actor of his time.


In London, he earned international praise for his leading part in William Shakespeare's great tragic play, "Othello." That was in Nineteen thirty. Thirteen years later, he played "Othello" on Broadway in New York. It was very popular. In "Othello," Robeson played an African general in ancient Venice. He is married to a young white woman. Othello kills his wife after being tricked into believing that she loves someone else. This is how Paul Robeson sounded in "Othello." Paul Robeson also was famous for appearing in the popular American musical play "Show Boat." He performed the play in London in nineteen twenty-eight and on Broadway four years later. He played a riverboat worker. Jerome Kern wrote the music for "Show Boat." Paul Robeson sang the song "Ol' Man River."


Paul Robeson appeared in eleven movies in the nineteen twenties and nineteen thirties. However, he realized that his acting was limited by the small number of parts for black actors. He criticized the American movie industry for not showing the real lives of black people in America. He stopped making movies and decided to sing professionally instead.
Robeson sang many kinds of music. He sang folk music from many countries. He sang songs to support the labor and social movements of his time. He sang songs for peace and justice. And, he sang African American spiritual music. One of his famous songs was this spiritual, "Balm in Gilead."




Paul Robeson was recognized around the world for his fight for civil rights for black Americans. Separation of black people and white people was legal in the United States. Black people did not have the same rights as white people. They were not treated equally. For example, Robeson could not be served in some eating places in the United States. Violence against black people was common. Angry mobs of whites sometimes killed black people, especially in the southern United States.


In the late nineteen thirties, Paul Robeson became involved in national and international movements that sought peace and better labor conditions. He also supported independence for African colonies from their European rulers. He learned the languages and folk songs of other cultures. He said these folk songs expressed the same feelings that were in African American music. He learned to speak, write and sing in more than twenty languages. Robeson traveled a great deal in Europe during the nineteen thirties. He found that black people were treated better in Europe than in the United States. He met members of liberal political organizations, socialists and African nationalists. He also met many working people and poor people.
For many years, he performed in concerts in many countries. The songs he sang supported the struggle for racial justice for black Americans, and for civil rights and economic justice for people around the world. He refused to perform at concerts where the people were separated by race. He said: "The idea of my concerts is to suggest that all men are brothers because of their music."


In nineteen thirty-four, Paul Robeson made the first of many trips to the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, he said, he was treated as an equal of whites for the first time in his life. He declared his friendship for the Soviet Union. And he spoke about the need for peaceful co-existence between the United States and the Soviet Union. Conservative groups in the United States strongly opposed his friendship with the Soviet Union and his support for other liberal issues.


Paul Robeson went to Spain in nineteen thirty-eight during the Spanish Civil War. He sang for Spanish civilians. And he sang for the Loyalist forces fighting for the Spanish republic. One of the songs he sang was this Spanish Loyalist song, "The Four Insurgent Generals." In the nineteen forties, many people in the United States were strongly opposed to Paul Robeson's political beliefs. They said he was too liberal or extreme. Next week, we will tell you about how opposition to his political beliefs affected the last part of his life.




1.condemn 谴责


The government issued a statement condemning the killings.


2.unfair treatment 不公平待遇


People are indignant at the unfair treatment he received.


3.praise 赞美,歌颂;表扬


The American president praised Turkey for its courage.


4.criticize 批评


The decision was criticized by environmental groups.


5.fight for 为…而战


I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone


6.be involved in 参与


They have been involved in a campaign of deceit.





13年后,他在纽约百老汇出演《奥赛罗》_no__[XcEqDnfSpkrGT。这部剧很受欢迎6fp6.t|e3V4-,s。在《奥赛罗》一剧中,罗伯逊扮演古威尼斯时期的一位非洲将军]iK5W]H.7foqG^1+[fj。他和一位年轻的白人女性结婚fM_uPOyKN~xF,;JV(7V=。奥赛罗受人挑拨误以为她爱上了别人,因为杀了她1m#^mXWC|SRJL。以下是他在《奥赛罗》的声音egAZ#gcofa。保罗·罗伯逊也因出演美国流行音乐剧《演出船》而出名].-M-hMh2xEY0|U@Oju。1928年,他在伦敦出演该剧,四年后在百老汇演再次出演该剧xK7cumpSCzGtyB=tT。他在其中饰演船上的一名员工LU=6y529*QrhmZ!。杰罗姆·科恩为该剧写歌_bPi%8RrB7#wA。保罗·罗伯逊演唱了一首《Ol' Man River》-2c)8K-9T!Z2.2~

上世纪20年代和30年代,保罗·罗伯逊共出演了11部电影uT_.]X8J6IQ(=7r[8E。但他意识到自己的演技受到了限制,电影中只有小部分角色是给黑人的e5UnYC3ZB5Giyfay8(。他批评美国电影行业没有展现美国黑人的真实生活Q+5m@1t0[BNQQSq。他不再拍电影并决定成为专业歌手x#;ck2SCA(N(=CuMvy)e。罗伯逊演唱了很多种歌jopU_=qKmk,6ha。他唱很多国家的民乐,他用歌唱支持那个时代的工人和社会运动j##TRxHN)]glq。他歌唱和平和正义,而且他还唱非裔美国人的圣歌zZoX5.P1pg。他最著名的歌曲之一就是这首圣歌《Balm in Gilead》Kes@pT29CVZ[j



1934年,保罗·罗伯逊首次前往苏联,之后也多次前往Pmv)t,SsX+daP。在苏联,他说这是他一生中首次得到和白人一样的对待%,PZypS,nR5!m。他宣告了他和苏联的友谊TlPpH1f],*kW。他谈到了美国和苏联和平共存的需要y*xYRwtx%T6@|W*Y.9。美国保守党强烈反对他和苏联的友谊和他对其他自由问题的支持lXX@Y+UX!-zIsn。1938年西班牙内战期间,保罗·罗伯逊前往西班牙,为西班牙民众歌唱8-sBsday|8b#&a_kvP,e。他为与那些争取西班牙共和国而斗争的忠诚派力量歌唱])8S#Hgc%dkZFV。其中之一是一首西班牙忠诚之歌《The Four Insurgent Generals》T^GP+RyZ!q.。上世纪40年代,美国很多人都强烈反对保罗·罗伯逊的政治信仰|;rq(gyG1=X。他们说他太过自由、极端了Z[xEw9M6-9V。下一周,我们将讲述对他政治信仰的反对声如何影响他的后半生ZaMHALUxJ3Yyjc=j8Sx



  • opposedadj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗
  • limitedadj. 有限的,被限制的 动词limit的过去式和过去
  • deceitn. 欺骗,诡计,不诚实
  • playwrightn. 剧作家
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • athleten. 运动员
  • experiencedadj. 有经验的
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • criticizevt. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难 vi. 批评
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说