Although erectus had been known about for almost a century it was known only from scattered fragments—not enough to come even close to making one full skeleton. So it wasn't until an extraordinary discovery in Africa in the 1980s that its importance—or, at the very least, possible importance—as a precursor species for modern humans was fully appreciated. The remote valley of Lake Turkana (formerly Lake Rudolf) in Kenya is now one of the world's most productive sites for early human remains, but for a very long time no one had thought to look there. It was only because Richard Leakey was on a flight that was diverted over the valley that he realized it might be more promising than had been thought. A team was dispatched to investigate, but at first found nothing. Then late one afternoon Kamoya Kimeu, Leakey's most renowned fossil hunter, found a small piece of hominid brow on a hill well away from the lake. Such a site was unlikely to yield much, but they dug anyway out of respect for Kimeu's instincts and to their astonishment found a nearly complete Homo erectus skeleton. It was from a boy aged between about nine and twelve who had died 1.54 million years ago. The skeleton had "an entirely modern body structure," says Tattersall, in a way that was without precedent. The Turkana boy was "very emphatically one of us."
Also found at Lake Turkana by Kimeu was KNM-ER 1808, a female 1.7 million years old, which gave scientists their first clue that Homo erectus was more interesting and complex than previously thought. The woman's bones were deformed and covered in coarse growths, the result of an agonizing condition called hypervitaminosis A, which can come only from eating the liver of a carnivore. This told us first of all that Homo erectus was eating meat. Even more surprising was that the amount of growth showed that she had lived weeks or even months with the disease. Someone had looked after her. It was the first sign of tenderness in hominid evolution.
基穆在图尔卡纳湖还发现了编号为KNM - ER1800的一副170万年前的女性骸骨。它第一次给科学家提供了有关直立人的线索,使得他们认识到直立人比以前想像的要有趣和复杂得多。这个女人的骨骼有些变形,上面布满斑斑点点,表明她得过一种被称为维生素A过多症的慢性病。这种病只有吃食肉动物的肝脏才会得。这第一次向我们表明直立人是肉食人属。更令人惊叹的是,她骨骼上的斑点数量表明,她患病已达几周甚至几个月而没有死去。有人曾经照料过她。这是人科动物进化过程中所发现的温柔之情的第一个迹象。