The tiny differences in that remaining 0.1 percent — "roughly one nucleotide base in every thousand," to quote the British geneticist and recent Nobel laureate John Sulston — are what endow us with our individuality. Much has been made in recent years of the unraveling of the human genome. In fact, there is no such thing as "the" human genome. Every human genome is different. Otherwise we would all be identical. It is the endless recombinations of our genomes — each nearly identical, but not quite — that make us what we are, both as individuals and as a species.
But what exactly is this thing we call the genome? And what, come to that, are genes? Well, start with a cell again. Inside the cell is a nucleus, and inside each nucleus are the chromosomes — forty-six little bundles of complexity, of which twenty-three come from your mother and twenty-three from your father. With a very few exceptions, every cell in your body — 99.999 percent of them, say — carries the same complement of chromosomes. (The exceptions are red blood cells, some immune system cells, and egg and sperm cells, which for various organizational reasons don't carry the full genetic package.) Chromosomes constitute the complete set of instructions necessary to make and maintain you and are made of long strands of the little wonder chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA — "the most extraordinary molecule on Earth," as it has been called.