Any water molecule that strays beyond the edge of the cloud is immediately zapped by the dry air beyond, allowing the cloud to keep its fine edge. Much higher cirrus clouds are composed of ice, and the zone between the edge of the cloud and the air beyond is not so clearly delineated, which is why they tend to be blurry at the edges.
For all the heft and fury of the occasional anvil-headed storm cloud, the average cloud is actually a benign and surprisingly insubstantial thing. A fluffy summer cumulus several hundred yards to a side may contain no more than twenty-five or thirty gallons of water— "about enough to fill a bathtub," as James Trefil has noted. You can get some sense of the immaterial quality of clouds by strolling through fog—which is, after all, nothing more than a cloud that lacks the will to fly. To quote Trefil again: "If you walk 100 yards through a typical fog, you will come into contact with only about half a cubic inch of water—not enough to give you a decent drink." In consequence, clouds are not great reservoirs of water. Only about 0.035 percent of the Earth's fresh water is floating around above us at any moment.
偶尔出现的砧头状雷雨云尽管气势汹汹,实际上在一般情况下都是温和而不实的东西。夏天一朵绒毛状的积云,虽然每一边都伸展数百米,所含的水分却不足100-150升——“大约够注满一个浴缸”,正如詹姆斯·特雷菲尔说的。要是你想知道云是一种华而不实的东西,你可以在雾里走一走——雾只不过是一种没有决心远走高飞的云。我们再引特雷菲尔的话: “要是你在普通的雾里走91米,你只会接触到大约8立方厘米的水——还不够你好好喝一口。”因此,云不是大水库。在任何时候,地球上只有大约0.035%的淡水飘浮在我们的头顶。
Depending on where it falls, the prognosis for a water molecule varies widely. If it lands in fertile soil it will be soaked up by plants or reevaporated directly within hours or days. If it finds its way down to the groundwater, however, it may not see sunlight again for many years—thousands if it gets really deep.