And that was just plants. There was also all the fauna of the new worlds — kangaroos, kiwis, raccoons, bobcats, mosquitoes, and other curious forms beyond imagining. The volume of life on Earth was seemingly infinite, as Jonathan Swift noted in some famous lines:
So, naturalists observe, a flea Hath smaller fleas that on him prey; And these have smaller still to bite 'em And so proceed ad infinitum.
All this new information needed to be filed, ordered, and compared with what was known. The world was desperate for a workable system of classification. Fortunately there was a man in Sweden who stood ready to provide it.
His name was Carl Linne (later changed, with permission, to the more aristocraticvon Linne), but he is remembered now by the Latinized form Carolus Linnaeus. He was born in 1707 in the village of Rashult in southern Sweden, the son of a poor but ambitious Lutheran curate, and was such a sluggish student that his exasperated father apprenticed him (or, by some accounts, nearly apprenticed him) to a cobbler. Appalled at the prospect of spending a lifetime banging tacks into leather, young Linne begged for another chance, which was granted, and he never thereafter wavered from academic distinction. He studied medicine in Sweden and Holland, though his passion became the natural world. In the early 1730s, still in his twenties, he began to produce catalogues of the world's plant and animal species, using a system of his own devising, and gradually his fame grew.
他的名字叫卡尔·林奈(后来经过允许又改名为更有贵族味的冯·林奈),但现在人们只记得他已经拉丁化的名字Carolus Linnaeus。他生于瑞典南部的拉舒尔特村,父亲是个贫穷而又雄心勃勃的路德教助理牧师。他在学业上很懒惰,因此他的父亲又气又恼,把他送到(据有的说法,是差一点把他送到)补鞋匠那里去当学徒。想到自己一辈子要往皮子里敲钉子,小林奈不寒而栗,恳求再给他一次机会。他的要求得到满足。此后,他始终坚持要在学术上作出成绩。他在瑞典和荷兰攻读医学,虽然他渐渐对大自然产生了兴趣。18世纪30年代,他使用自己制定的体系,开始为世界上植物和动物的物种编制目录。他的名气渐渐响起来。