The flowers' leaves serve as a bridal bed, which the Creator has so gloriously arranged, adorned with such noble bed curtains, and perfumed with so many soft scents that the bridegroom with his bride might there celebrate their nuptials with so much the greater solemnity. When the bed has thus been made ready, then is the time for the bridegroom to embrace his beloved bride and surrender himself to her.
He named one genus of plants Clitoria. Not surprisingly, many people thought him strange. But his system of classification was irresistible. Before Linnaeus, plants were given names that were expansively descriptive. The common ground cherry was called Physalis amno ramosissime ramis angulosis glabris foliis dentoserratis. Linnaeus lopped it back to Physalis angulata, which name it still uses. The plant world was equally disordered by inconsistencies of naming. A botanist could not be sure ifKosa sylvestris alba cum rubore, folio glabro was the same plant that others called Rosa sylvestris inodora seu canina. Linnaeus solved the puzzlement by calling it simply Rosa canina. To make these excisions useful and agreeable to all required much more than simply being decisive. It required an instinct — a genius, in fact — for spotting the salient qualities of a species.
他把一种植物命名为“阴蒂”(即蝶豆属)。许多人认为他很古怪,这是不足为怪的。然而,他的分类体系是极富魅力的。在林奈之前,植物的名字过分重于描述,长得不可开交。普通的酸浆属植物被叫做Physalis amno ramosissime ramis angulosis glabris foliis dentoserratis。林奈把它缩短为Physalis anguulata(灯笼草)。这个名字现在依然沿用。由于名称不一,植物界简直一片混乱。一位植物学家不知道Rosa sylvestris alba cum rubore,folio glabro是不是就是指别的植物学家称之为Rosa sylvestris inodora seu canina的同一种植物。林奈干脆把它叫做Rosa canina(多刺月季),从而解决了这个难题。这样大刀阔斧地缩短植物名称,使这些名称对大家有用并为大家接受。这需要的不仅是果断,还需要一种本能——实际上是一种天才,能够发现一个物种的显著特点。