日期:2017-07-06 17:33


This led to more warfare. Conrad V, the son of Conrad IV, and the last of the Hohenstaufens, tried to regain the kingdom, and was defeated and decapitated at Naples. But twenty years later, the French who had made themselves thoroughly unpopular in Sicily were all murdered during the socalled Sicilian Vespers, and so it went.
The quarrel between the Popes and the Emperors was never settled, but after a while the two enemies learned to leave each other alone.
In the year 1278, Rudolph of Hapsburg was elected Emperor. He did not take the trouble to go to Rome to be crowned. The Popes did not object and in turn they kept away from Germany. This meant peace but two entire centuries which might have been used for the purpose of internal organisation had been wasted in useless warfare.
It is an ill wind however that bloweth no good to some one. The little cities of Italy, by a process of careful balancing, had managed to increase their power and their independence at the expense of both Emperors and Popes. When the rush for the Holy Land began, they were able to handle the transportation problem of the thousands of eager pilgrims who were clamoring for passage, and at the end of the Crusades they had built themselves such strong defences of brick and of gold that they could defy Pope and Emperor with equal indifference.
不过凡事有一弊,必有一利。意大利的诸多小城市在教皇与国王之间维持小心谨慎的平衡,悄悄地壮大实力,增强自己的独立地位。当朝拜圣地的伟大运动开始时,面对成千上万吵吵嚷嚷、急于涌向耶路撒冷的十字军战士,它们从容自如地解决了这些人的交 通和饮食问题,从中赚取大量金钱。待十字军运动结束,这些大发其财的城市已能用砖石和金子堆起坚固无比的防御,同时违抗教皇和国王,对他们表示淡然和蔑视了。
Church and State fought each other and a third party-the mediaeval city-ran away with the spoils.
