日期:2017-04-29 10:45


Chapter 28
Ahmed, the camel-driver, who became the prophet of the arabian desert and whose followers almost conquered the entire known world for the greater glory of allah,the only true god
Since the days of Carthage and Hannibal we have said nothing of the Semitic people. You will remember how they filled all the chapters devoted to the story of the Ancient World. The Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, the Jews, the Arameans, the Chaldeans, all of them Semites, had been the rulers of western Asia for thirty or forty centuries. They had been conquered by the Indo-European Persians who had come from the east and by the Indo-European Greeks who had come from the west. A hundred years after the death of Alexander the Great, Carthage, a colony of Semitic Phoenicians, had fought the Indo-European Romans for the mastery of the Mediterranean. Carthage had been defeated and destroyed and for eight hundred years the Romans had been masters of the world. In the seventh century, however, another Semitic tribe appeared upon the scene and challenged the power of the west. They were the Arabs, peaceful shepherds who had roamed through the desert since the beginning of time without showing any signsof imperial ambitions.
自从迦太基和汉尼拔之后,我们再未说起过伟大的闪米特种族。如果你记性不错,你应该还能想起他们的事迹是如何体现在本书讲述古代世界的所有章节的。巴比伦人、亚述人、腓尼基人、犹太人、阿拉米尔人、迦勒底人,这些统治西亚三四千年的民族都属于闪米特种族。后来,他们被来自东面的印欧语族的波斯人和来自西面的印欧种族的希腊人夹击,终于丧失了统治地位。亚历山大大帝死去100年后,腓尼基人的非洲殖民地迦太基城和罗马共和国展开了争夺地中海统治权的战争。迦太基战败后为罗马人彻底摧毁。此后的800年,罗马人一直是世界之主。不过到公元7世纪,又一支闪米特部族赫然出现在历史的地平线上,挑战西方世界的权威。他们就是阿拉伯人,游牧在阿拉伯沙漠的天性温 和的牧羊人部落。一开始,他们并未流露出任何帝国野心的征兆。
Then they listened to Mohammed, mounted their horses and in less than a century they had pushed to the heart of Europe and proclaimed the glories of Allah, "the only God," and Mohammed, "the prophet of the only God," to the frightened peasants of France.
