日期:2017-04-22 11:06


The old gods must be destroyed. For a short spell the emperor Julian, a lover of Greek wisdom, managed to save the pagan Gods from further destruction. But Julian died of his wounds during a campaign in Persia and his successor Jovian re-established the church in all its glory. One after the other the doors of the ancient temples were then closed. Then came the emperor Justinian (who built the church of Saint Sophia in Constantinople), who discontinued the school of philosophy at Athens which had been founded by Plato.
That was the end of the old Greek world, in which man had been allowed to think his own thoughts and dream his own dreams according to his desires. The somewhat vague rules of conduct of the philosophers had proved a poor compass by which to steer the ship of life after a deluge of savagery and ignorance had swept away the established order of things. There was need of something more positive and more definite. This the Church provided.
这一历史时刻是古希腊世界的终结。人们可以照自己的想法自由 思考,按自己的愿望梦想未来的时代黯然逝去了。当野蛮和愚昧的洪水横扫大地,冲毁旧有的秩序,要指导生活之舟在惊涛骇浪中把握航向,古希腊哲学家的行为准则便显得有些模糊而不可靠了。人们很难再依赖它们作为生活的向导人们需要一些更积极而明确的东西。这正是教会可以提供的。
During an age when nothing was certain, the church stood like a rock and never receded from those principles which it held to be true and sacred. This steadfast courage gained the admiration of the multitudes and carried the church of Rome safely through the difficulties which destroyed the Roman state.
There was however, a certain element of luck in the final success of the Christian faith. After the disappearance of Theodoric's Roman-Gothic kingdom, in the fifth century, Italy was comparatively free from foreign invasion.
