日期:2017-05-02 10:47


The story of Ahmed, the son of Abdallah and Aminah (usually known as Mohammed, or "he who will be praised,"; reads like a chapter in the"Thousand and One Nights." He was a camel-driver, born in Mecca. He seems to have been an epileptic and he suffered from spells of unconsciousness when he dreamed strange dreams and heard the voice of the angel Gabriel, whose words were afterwards written down in a book called the Koran. His work as a caravan leader carried him all over Arabia and he was constantly falling in with Jewish merchants and with Christian traders, and he came to see that the worship of a single God was a very excellent thing. His own people, the Arabs, still revered queer stones and trunks of trees as their ancestors had done, tens of thousands of years before. In Mecca, their holy city, stood a little square building, the Kaaba, full of idols and strange odds and ends of Hoo-doo worship.
阿哈默德是阿布达拉和阿米娜的儿子,世人皆称他为"穆罕默德",意思是"该受赞美的人"。他的生平事迹读起来就像《一千零一夜 》里的一个故事。穆罕默德生于麦加,原来的职业是赶骆驼行商者。他似乎患过癫痫病,每逢发病便会昏迷不醒。昏迷期间,他做了奇特的梦,听见大天使迦伯列向他说话。这些话后来被记载到圣书《古兰经》里。因为作商队首领,穆罕默德走遍了阿拉伯各地,经常与犹太商贾和基督徒生意人交往。通过和他们的接触,穆罕默德认识到崇拜唯一的上帝是件很有益的事情。当时他的阿拉伯人民还如其几千年前的祖辈一样,敬拜奇怪的石头和树干。在他们的圣城麦加,至今保存着一座方形神殿,其中供奉的黑石等许多器物就属于伏都教崇拜的遗迹。"
Mohammed decided to be the Moses of the Arab people. He could not well be a prophet and a camel-driver at the same time. So he made himself independent by marrying his employer, the rich widow Chadija. Then he told his neighbours in Mecca that he was the long-expected prophet sent by Allah to save the world. The neighbours laughed most heartily and when Mohammed continued to annoy them with his speeches they decided to kill him. They regarded him as a lunatic and a public bore who deserved no mercy. Mohammed heard of the plot and in the dark of night he fled to Medina together with Abu Bekr, his trusted pupil. This happened in the year 622. It is the most important date in Mohammedan history and is known as the Hegira-the year of the Great Flight.
穆罕默德决心成为阿拉伯人的摩西。他不能一边赶骆驼,一边当先知。于是,他迎娶了他的雇主查迪雅,一个有钱的寡妇 ,先使自己获得了经济上的独立。之后,他开始向邻居们布道,称自己就是众人期盼已久的先知,真主安拉派遣他来拯救世界。听罢他的话,邻居们不仅不理会,反而大加嘲笑。但穆罕默德非常执着,继续向邻居们讲道,终于让他们觉得烦扰了。他们将他视为疯子和令人讨厌的家伙,根本不值得同情,决意要杀死他。穆罕默德获悉了这一阴谋,和他最信任的学生阿布·伯克尔一起,连夜出逃麦地那。这件事情发生在公元622年。它后来成为伊斯兰教历史上最重要的一个日子,即穆斯林纪元--纪念穆罕默德出走麦地那。
