日期:2017-05-06 10:54


The Mohammedan churches or mosques were merely large stone halls without benches or pictures, where the faithful could gather (if they felt so inclined) to read and discuss chapters from the Koran, the Holy Book. But the average Mohammedan carried his religion with him and never felt himself hemmed in by the restrictions and regulations of an established church. Five times a day he turned his face towards Mecca, the Holy City, and said a simple prayer. For the rest of the time he let Allah rule the world as he saw fit and accepted whatever fate brought him with patient resignation.
穆斯林的教堂,清真寺,仅仅是巨大的石砌大厅,里面不设桌椅板凳,信徒们可以在此聚集(如果他们自己愿意),阅读和讨论圣书《古兰经》里的某个章节。不过对一般的穆斯林来说,他们的信仰与生俱来,从不觉得伊斯兰教的戒条和规矩对他们是一种身心的束缚。每天五次,他们面朝圣城麦加的方向,念诵简单的祷词。其余时间里,他们把世界交 给安拉去管理,以极大的耐心和顺从,接受命运安排给自己的一切。
Of course such an attitude towards life did not encourage the Faithful to go forth and invent electrical machinery or bother about railroads and steamship lines. But it gave every Mohammedan a certain amount of contentment. It bade him be at peace with himself and with the world in which he lived and that was a very good thing.
The second reason which explains the success of the Moslems in their warfare upon the Christians, had to do with the conduct of those Mohammedan soldiers who went forth to do battle for the true faith. The Prophet promised that those who fell, facing the enemy, would go directly to Heaven. This made sudden death in the field preferable to a long but dreary existence upon this earth. It gave the Mohammedans an enormous advantage over the Crusaders who were in constant dread of a dark hereafter, and who stuck to the good things of this world as long as they possibly could.
