日期:2016-07-22 16:03


I saw the heart of time. I could hear the heavy pulse beats of the rapid seconds-one-two-three-up to sixty.
Then a sudden quivering noise when all the wheels seemed to stop and another minute had been chopped off eternity.
Without pause it began again-one-two-three-until at last after a warning rumble and the scraping of many wheels a thunderous voice, high above us, told the world that it was the hour of noon.
On the next floor were the bells.
The nice little bells and their terrible sisters.
In the centre the big bell, which made me turn stiff with fright when I heard it in the middle of the night telling a story of fire or flood.
In solitary grandeur it seemed to reflect upon those six hundred years during which it had shared the joys and the sorrows of the good people of Rotterdam.
而现在,大钟却笼罩在寂寞庄严的气氛里, 仿佛正在回思过去600年里,它和鹿特丹人民一道经历了那些欢乐和哀愁。
Around it, neatly arranged like the blue jars in an old-fashioned apothecary shop, hung the little fellows,
who twice each week played a merry tune for the benefit of the country-folk who had come to market to buy and sell and hear what the big world had been doing.
But in a corner-all alone and shunned by the others-a big black bell, silent and stern, the bell of death.
Then darkness once more and other ladders, steeper and even more dangerous than those we had climbed before, and suddenly the fresh air of the wide heavens.
我们接着往上爬,再度进入一片漆黑当中。此时,梯子也比刚才的更陡峭、更危险。爬着爬着,突然间,我们已经 呼吸到广阔天地的清新空气了。
We had reached the highest gallery.
Above us the sky.
Below us the city-a little toy-town, where busy ants were hastily crawling hither and thither,
each one intent upon his or her particular business, and beyond the jumble of stones, the wide greenness of the open country.
人人专注 于自己的心思,忙着自己的事情。远处,在一片乱石堆外,是乡村宽广的绿色田野。
It was my first glimpse of the big world.
Since then, whenever I have had the opportunity, I have gone to the top of the tower and enjoyed myself.
It was hard work, but it repaid in full the mere physical exertion of climbing a few stairs.
Besides, I knew what my reward would be.
I would see the land and the sky, and I would listen to the stories of my kind friend the watchman, who lived in a small shack, built in a sheltered corner of the gallery.
并且,我清楚这份回报是什么。我可以极目纵览大地和天空,我可以从我好心的朋友——塔楼看守人那里听到许许 多多的故事。在塔楼的一个隐蔽的角落里搭着一间小房子,看守人就住在里面。
He looked after the clock and was a father to the bells, and he warned of fires,
他负责照顾城市的时钟,也是呵护其它大小钟的细心的父亲。他还密切地注视着城 市,一有火灾的迹象就敲钟发出警讯。
but he enjoyed many free hours and then he smoked a pipe and thought his own peaceful thoughts.
He had gone to school almost fifty years before and he had rarely read a book,
but he had lived on the top of his tower for so many years that he had absorbed the wisdom of that wide world which surrounded him on all sides.

  • jumblevi. 掺杂,混杂 vt. 使混乱,搞乱 n. 混杂,混
  • peacefuladj. 安宁的,和平的
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • reflectv. 反映,反射,归咎
  • grandeurn. 庄严,伟大
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • absorbedadj. 一心一意的;被吸收的 v. 吸收;使全神贯注(
  • stiffadj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的 adv
  • hastilyadv. 匆忙地,急速地
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间