国家地理频道之毒品公司 可卡因Cocaine 第6期:战争残酷
日期:2016-03-02 14:09


Narrator: The war is brutal, in the three years following Calderon's election another 15,000 people are gunned down.
But the deaths don't deter people from entering the business.
Hundreds of poor Mexicans are eager to step into Eddie's shoes and take over his trafficking routes by undermining his position.
As an American working in Mexico, he's under constant suspicion.
Eddie: I was the only white guy at my level and every time something happened everybody would look at me first.


Narrator: Eddie's partner and friend, accuses him of being an informant, and demands a meeting in Tijuana.
Eddie: I wasn't that stupid, I brought my crew with me, so, he had his crew, you know, armed crew and I had mine too and he didn't want a big blood bath so we just left it at that.
Narrator: Eddie realizes it's time to leave Mexico; he leaves behind everything he owns and escapes to the US.
Eddie: I'm one of the lucky guys that got out.
There's not, there's a lot of guys, there's a whole cemetery, not even a cemetery, there's a whole, you know, fields in Mexico, you know, just full of dead bodies, unidentified bodies that didn't make it out.
Narrator: Despite the on-going violence in Mexico, 51 billion dollars worth of cocaine still floods across the border into the US every year.
Narrator: The Mexican cartels purchase their cocaine from Colombia where over half of the world's cocaine is produced.
While the cartels earn millions of dollars smuggling cocaine; the peasant farmers who grow the coca plants are lucky to earn enough to survive.
28 year-old Andres Varela is one of the tens of thousands of farmers who grow the Coca that will become cocaine.
...... Andres Varela: In the good times, yes it gave me good monthly return. You could get a profit of a million pesos ($500) , it depended on the harvests. That was enough for you to pay for clothes, for food, to be able to sustain yourself......
Narrator: Andres prefers to grow food crops, but he knows cocaine paste is where the money is.
...... Andres Varela: My father and mother cultivate corn, yucca plants, and other crops, and they couldn't afford to send me to school......
Narrator: Colombian farmers sell yucca plants for 40 cents a kilo, but cocaine paste sells for $750 per kilo.
More importantly, there's constant global demand for cocaine, unlike corn or yucca. But growing coca isn't without risk.

  • brutaladj. 野蛮的,残暴的
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • cultivatevt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养
  • constantadj. 经常的,不变的 n. 常数,恒量
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • suspicionn. 猜疑,怀疑
  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • crewn. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员 vi