学个词Learn a Word第2028期: unexpected
日期:2016-10-17 17:29



今天我们要学的词是 unexpected. Unexpected 形容词,意思是没有预料到的,意外的。The Canadian economy was hit by an unexpected loss of 28,900 jobs in April. 加拿大四月很意外的损失了两万八千九百个就业机会。有研究显示,自2003年以来,针对美国儿童的犯罪不断减少。研究人员认为,Technology has played an unexpected role as more and more young children have cell phones, allowing them to call for help when needed. 科技进步发挥了意想不到的效果,因为现在越来越多的小孩子都配备了手机,可以随时打电话求援。好的,今天我们学习的词是 unexpected, unexpected, unexpected...
