学个词Learn a Word第920期:finalize
日期:2012-05-18 11:42


今天我们要学的词是finalize。 Finalize, 是最终确定,最后完成的意思。 "The couple have finalized their divorce," 这对夫妇已经办完了离婚手续。 "The baseball team is reportedly finalizing a $500,000, one-year contract with the rookie player," 据说这支棒球队正准备跟这个新秀签署价值五十万美元的一年的合同。 "The Internet search firm Google is finalizing a deal that would let the NSA help it against cyber attacks," 网络搜索引擎公司谷歌正在跟美国国家安全局敲定相关协议,由国家安全局帮助谷歌抵御网络空间的骇客袭击。好的,今天我们学习的词是finalize...

  • rookien. 新手
  • baseballn. 棒球
  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,