学个词Learn a Word第1401期:Exempt from
日期:2014-04-23 11:23


今天我们要学的词是exempt from. Exempt from意思是免除,免做某件事。


Under current U.S. labor law, home-care workers are exempt from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements. 按照现行劳工法,家庭护工无法享受最低工资和超时工作补贴。为了鼓励小型企业,Small businesses with payrolls of less than $1.25 million are exempt from the MTA payroll tax. 员工工资总支出少于125万美元的小企业不必支付薪资税。在美国,Religious organizations are exempt from taxation. 宗教组织不必交税。好的,今天我们学习的词是exempt from...

  • taxationn. 课税,征税,税金
  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • exemptn. 免税者,被免除义务者 adj. 免除的 vt. 免