学个词Learn a Word第951期:driving force
日期:2012-07-09 10:38


今天我们要学的词是driving force。 Driving force, 推动力。不久前,脸谱网Facebook的访问量超过谷歌。业内专家认为,这种情况显示, "Content sharing has become the driving force online," 内容共享已成为网络活动的推动力。 "The CEO was the driving force behind the company's success," 这位公司首席执行官是公司成功的主要推手。 "The team captain has been the driving force all season," 球队队长整个赛季带领球队往前闯。 "The group was the driving force behind the policy shift," 这个组织是政策调整的推手。好的,今天我们学习的词是driving force...
