学个词Learn a Word第1049期:secret weapon
日期:2012-12-03 09:40


今天我们要学的词是secret weapon

Secret weapon, 秘密武器。"The rookie turned out to be the team's secret weapon at crunch time in the opening game," 这名新队员在首场比赛关键时刻成了球队的秘密武器。 "The candidate's wife was his secret weapon in winning over the young voters," 这个候选人的妻子是他赢得年轻选民支持的秘密武器。 "The boxer bragged about a secret weapon he plans on using against his opponent in the next fight," 这名拳击手吹牛说,自己在下次跟对手较量时,准备动用秘密武器。好的,今天我们学习的词是secret weapon...

  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者
  • opponentn. 对手,敌手,反对者 adj. 敌对的,反对的
  • rookien. 新手