学个词Learn a Word第1584期:Forfeit
日期:2015-04-29 15:18


今天我们要学的词是forfeit. Forfeit 有“丧失,被没收”的意思。

一直被美国反兴奋剂机构USADA调查的自行车手阿姆斯特朗宣布放弃与该机构的斗争,随后,The USADA said Lance Armstrong must forfeit his seven consecutive Tour de France victories. 该机构宣布,阿姆斯特朗必须放弃他连续七次取得的环法自行车手总冠军头衔。美国马里兰州八月中旬有一周的时间免收消费者的消费税,The state of Maryland had estimated that it would forfeit about $10 million by waiving the 6 percent sales tax on clothing and shoes costing up to $100. 马里兰州估计,由于对价格不超过100美元的衣服和鞋子都免征百分之6的消费税,州政府将损失一千万美元的收入。好的,今天我们学习的词是forfeit, forfeit, forfeit...
