学个词Learn a Word第901期:civil rights
日期:2012-04-20 11:35


今天我们要学的词是civil rights。 Civil rights, 民权。每年一月第三个星期一是美国联邦假日马丁.路德金日。"Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader," 马丁.路德金是著名民权领袖。"He played a significant role in the civil rights movement in the U.S.," 他在美国民权运动中发挥了重要作用。
1964年,美国总统约翰逊签署民权法。"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in several areas including housing, employment and education," 1964年民权法禁止在住房、雇佣和教育等领域内的歧视行为。好的,今天我们学习的词是civil rights...
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • discriminationn. 歧视,辨别力,识别
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章