可可新闻脱口秀 第433期:音乐人张峡浩与你有约
日期:2016-03-30 17:45



张峡浩is a musician, producer, song writer and singer. He's worked closely with Qu Wanting on songs such as One Day. Now he's put out an album called "浩How" and has embarked on a new concert tour titled "One Day."
Adam Greenholtz, recording engineer who's worked with Grammy winners such as Lana Del Ray, Michael Buble, the British band Muse. He's collaborated with Zhang Xiahao on this album. What's brought these two talented guys together? We'll find out!
  • talentedadj. 有才能的,有天赋的
  • bandn. 带,箍,波段 n. 队,一群,乐队 v. 绑扎 v
  • musevi. 沉思,冥想 vt. 沉思默想 n. 沉思,(希腊
  • recordingn. 录音 动词record的现在分词
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • musiciann. 音乐家,作曲家