阎老师新闻脱口秀 第7期:房子花光爸妈积蓄怎么办
日期:2012-11-21 09:00



[(1)怎么办=如何生活下=生存=live by/on=how can we get along with no money left. (2) 房子花光爸妈积蓄=爸妈买一套房子花掉所有积蓄=一套房子真的好贵=cost an arm and a leg: something is priced at an excessively high price: 非常高的价格:a cruise that cost an arm and a leg.要花去好多钱的航行M3EV,SRxa9_r.BoX。]
A pupil reporter raised a question to the minister, “How can we live by if a house can cost the legs and arms of daddy and mom?”
[(1)十八大新闻中心= Media Center of 18th National CPC Congress;(2)跑新闻发布会=踊跃参加新闻发布会=be eager to attend = scramble for the seats at the media center;(3)积极举手=争先恐后= fall over each other= vie with each other = take their initiative to raise hands for]
Yesterday, at the Media Center of 18th National CPC Congress, some pupil reporters from Chinese Teenagers News scramble for the seats at the media center for the press conference and took their initiative to raise hands for more questions.
[(1) 太贵了=买不起=超出我的能力=can not/fail to afford a house (which is too expensive for me/too much for me=totally out of my reach/capacity);(2) 向银行借钱=向银行贷款-borrow from the bank-get a loan from the bank; (3) 没钱买=很为难(好尴尬)=陷入困境= be hard put to it to do =fail/can’t afford their child with a toy. He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance. 他难以说明她为什么不见了VW&hTGG~uP_OjJp-^。I shall be hard put to it to pay my bills this month. 我这个月难以付帐FvGcXq*9++。(4) 想请=麻烦你= would you please tell me/Could you do me a favor by telling me how to; (5) 让房价降一点=lower the price; bring down the house price.]
"Now the house is shockingly priced and many parents of our classmates have almost nothing left after buying a house and borrowing from a bank, so they can not even afford their children any toys.". This is what an 11-year-old pupil reporter, Zhang Jiahe, said to Minister Jiang Weixin of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development at the media center, particularly focusing on such a question: “Uncle Minister, how can we bring down the house price even a little bit?
[(1) 向前发展=move along=forge ahead= advance steadily;( 2) 希望=我希望=it is highly hoped that=hopefully; (3) 解决问题= tackle=iron out=solve a problem这个问题将来会解决的=现在还解决不了,将来一定能解决这个问题的=早晚会解决这个问题的=the problem can not be solved thus far but we can see it solved some day in the future=It remains unsolved now but we can have it solved in the near future. ]
Jiang Weixin answered Jiahe this way, our society is continuing to forge ahead. Hopefully, you, little children, are devoted to your studies. The problem of the high-priced houses will be solved sooner or later.

  • devotedadj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付
  • forgevt. 伪造,锻造 vi. 伪造,在铁匠铺工作 n. 锻
  • loann. 贷款,借出,债权人 v. 借,供应货款,借给
  • capacityn. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位 adj. (达到最
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • excessivelyadv. 过分地,过度地,非常地
  • viev. 竞争