BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第40期:Swimming samurai
日期:2013-02-01 09:20



Keeping the tradition afloat... This is swimming samurai-style.

Mutsuo Koga shows off his skills in the Japanese city of Yokohama.

But once he's in the pool, it's sink or swim. The armour weighs 15 kilos.

The feared warriors developed this form of swimming around the 15th century. They had to brave waves and currents.

Nowadays, the most difficult part seems to be getting out of the pool.


afloat adj. 在海上的;飘浮的;浸满水的

shows off 炫耀;卖弄

sink or swim 成败全靠自己,不论成败

warriors 战士,勇士

to brave 冒出来
