BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第38期:A clean sweep
日期:2013-01-30 11:19



A job that requires a head for heights.

Some bin men in Rio have to abseil down shanty town hills to retrieve what others have left behind.

A harness and ropes are the essential tools for reaching items such as old fridges, food wrappers, guns and even a body.

A big clean-up operation is underway as Brazil prepares to host the World Cup and the Olympics.


a head for heights 一头高

bin men 收破烂的

to abseil 沿绳滑下法

harness n. 马具,甲胄,挽具状带子,降落伞背带

underway adj. 进行中的,起步的

  • harnessn. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄,安全带 vt. 束以马
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的
  • binn. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件 vt
  • retrievevt. 挽回,恢复,回忆,补偿 vi. 找回猎物 n.