BEN老师英文下午茶 第71期:让女生觉得男生魅力瞬间爆棚的5件事
日期:2016-05-15 08:25




1.superficial adj.

【知识点1】superficial adj. you care too much about how you look. about how other people look. about what you say and do and what other people say and do 表面的,外在的,肤浅的

2.across the board

e.g. If a guy is tall, he's instantly hotter. That's true, across the board.

【知识点2】across the board

applying to all 适用于所有人,所有事 放之四海皆准的


A: If a guy is tall, he's instantly hotter.

B: That's true, across the board.

C: And that's superficial!

3.fetish n.

【常用结构①】someone has a/an ... fetish.

【常用结构②】someone has a fetish for sth.

【知识拓展1】yellow fever

【知识拓展2】have a preference for sth with someone

e.g. He took me out for dinner and he was hot, but we didn't have much to say to each other. I didn't click with him.

MJ: If i can't click with him on the first date, that's not gonna go anywhere between us.

5.decent adj. 整齐的,得体的

dressed decently/ being well dressed 穿着得体

e.g. Guys that are dressed decently are instantly hotter, across the board.

6.stingy adj. 小气的,抠门的,吝啬的

e.g. My boyfriend is stingy because I had to pay for dinner.


