Hi everybody. This weekend, we'll dedicate the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
It's a beautiful building, five stories high and some 70 feet below the ground, situated just across the street from the Washington Monument.
这是一个美丽的建筑,五层楼高,地下建筑约有70 英尺深,位于华盛顿纪念碑的街道的正对面。
And this museum tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.
As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country.
But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.
But this museum chooses to tell a fuller story.
It's doesn't gauze up some bygone era or avoid uncomfortable truths.
Rather, it embraces the patriotic recognition that America is a constant work in progress;
that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is within our collective power to align this nation with the high ideals of our founding.