Hi, everybody.
As 2014 comes to an end, we can enter the New Year with new confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts.
2014年就要结束了,这一年我们取得了巨大的成就,籍此我们将满怀信心迎接新的一年的到来 。
The steps we took nearly six years ago to rescue our economy and rebuild it on a new foundation helped make 2014 the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s.
过去六年里我们为经济复苏和重建经济发展基础所制定的政策在2014年结果,这也使得2014年成为自上个世纪90年代以来就业增长最强劲的一年 。
Over the past 57 months, our businesses have created nearly 11 million new jobs.
在过去的57个月里,私营部门共创造了1100万个就业岗位 。
And in a hopeful sign for middle-class families, wages are on the rise again.
同时让中产阶级看到希望的是,工资也再次上涨了 。
Our investments in American manufacturing have helped fuel its best stretch of job growth since the 90s.
我们在制造业上的投资成为上世纪90年代以来就业增长最好的助推剂 。
America is now the number one producer of oil and gas, saving drivers about 70 cents a gallon at the pump over last Christmas.
现在,美国已成为最大的石油气生产国,自去年圣诞节以来,每加仑油价下降了70美分 。
The auto industry we rescued is on track for its strongest year since 2005.
汽车产业在我们的扶持下取得了自2005年以来最强劲的发展 。
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance in the past year alone.
由于有了《平价医疗保险法》,仅仅去年1年就有大约1000万人获得医疗保险保障 。
And since I took office, we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds.
自我主政以来,我们的财政赤字已经削减了2/3 。
Meanwhile, around the world, America is leading.
同时,美国也在全球发挥领导作用 。
We're leading the coalition to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.
我们领导全球力量打击和消灭ISIL 。
We're leading the global fight to combat the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
我们领导全球力量抗击西非爆发的埃博拉疫情 。
We're leading global efforts to address climate change, including last month's joint announcement with China.
我们领导全球力量共同应对气候变化,包括上个月与中国签署的联合声明 。
We're turning a new page in our relationship with the Cuban people.
我们与古巴人民的关系也翻开了历史新篇章 。
And in less than two weeks, after more than 13 years, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over, and our war there will come to a responsible end.
一个多星期前,在经过13年多的战争后,我们在阿富汗的军事行动宣告结束,我们也将以负责任的态度结束这一地区的战争 。
Today, more of our troops are home for the holidays than at any time in over a decade.
今天,相比10年前,有更多的军人可以回家与家人团聚过节 。
Still, many of our men and women in uniform will spend this Christmas in harm's way.
然而,依然还有大量军人还要在前线度过这个圣诞节 。
And as Commander-in-Chief, I want our troops to know:
your country is united in our support and gratitude for you and your families.
你们的祖国和人民全力支持你们和你们的家庭 。并对你们和你们的家人致以最崇高的敬意 。
The six years since the financial crisis have demanded hard work and sacrifice on everyone's part.
金融危机发生六年来,每个人都付出了艰辛的劳动和巨大的牺牲 。
But as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we've got to show for it.
但作为一个国家,我们有权自豪的宣布我们所取得的成就 。
More jobs. More insured.
A growing economy. Shrinking deficits.Bustling industry.Booming energy.
不断增长的经济,不断减少的赤字,欣欣向荣的工业,方兴未艾的能源产业 。
Pick any metric you want-America's resurgence is real.
无论你用什么方式来衡量,美国复苏的步伐都是坚实的 。
And we now have the chance to reverse the decades-long erosion of middle-class jobs and incomes.
现在,我们有机会改变十多年来中产阶级的就业和工资收入受到侵蚀的现状 。
We just have to invest in the things that we know will secure even faster growth in higher-paying jobs for more Americans.
我们要做的就是在保证在可以更快促进经济增长,提供更多高薪岗位的产业上投资 。
We have to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not only for a few, but for all of us.
我们要确保我们的额经济、司法体系、政府部门为所有人服务而不是只为少数人服务 。
And I look forward to working together with the new Congress next year on these priorities.
明年,我也期待着与新一届国会合作,在这些优先事项上取得突破 。
Sure, we'll disagree on some things.
当然,我们在某些事情上有不同意见 。
We'll have to compromise on others.
我们当然需要与他人妥协 。
I'll act on my own when it's necessary.
我也会在必要的时候自己采取行动 。
But I will never stop trying to make life better for people like you.
但我想让大家生活的更好,为了这一目标我不会止步 。
Because thanks to your efforts, a new foundation is laid.
由于有了大家的付出,我们的经济有了良好的发展基础 。
A new future is ready to be written.
崭新的未来等着我们去书写 。
We have set the stage for a new American moment, and I'm going to spend every minute of my last two years making sure we seize it.
我们为新的美国时代打造了一个平台,接下来的两年里,我将为确保我们抓住这一机遇而不懈努力 。
On behalf of the Obama family, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.
Thanks, and have a wonderful holiday season.
谢谢大家,祝大家度过一个快乐的假期 。