大家好 。
It's been seven years since the worst financial crisis in generations spread from Wall Street to Main Street-a crisis that cost millions of Americans their jobs,their homes,their life savings.
从华尔街扩散到“主街”的几十年来最严峻的金融危机已经过去七年了—这个危机造成几百万美国人失去了他们的工作,他们的房子和他们一生的积蓄 。
It was a crisis that cost all of us.It was a reminder that we're in this together-all of us.
这是给我们所有人都带来损失的危机 。它提醒我们:我们所有人都同舟共济 。
That's how we've battled back these past six and a half years-together.
我们就是这样在过去的六年半里力挽狂澜的 。
We still have work to do,but together,we prevented a second Great Depression.
我们仍然有很多要做,但是我们齐心协力阻止了第二个大萧条 。
Our businesses have created nearly 13 million jobs over the past 64 months.
我们的企业已经在过去的64个月里创造了近1300万个就业岗位 。
The housing market is healthier.
住房市场更加健康了 。
The stock market has more than doubled,restoring the retirement savings of millions.
股市翻了一番,几百万人的积蓄物归原主了 。
Americans of all stripes buckled down,rolled up their sleeves,and worked to bring this country back.
全体美国人都尽心尽力,卷起袖子,努力拯救国家 。
And to protect your efforts,we had to do something more-we had to make sure this kind of crisis never happens again.
为了让你们的努力不付之东流,我们必须还要再进一步—我们必须确保这类危机不会卷土重来 。
That's why five years ago this week,we enacted the toughest Wall Street reform in history-new rules of the road to protect businesses,consumers,and our entire economy from the kind of irresponsibility that threatened all of us.Five years later,here's what that reform has done.
这就是为什么在五年前的本周,我们实施了历史上最严厉的华尔街改革—一系列新的运行规则来保护企业、消费者和我们的整个经济不会遭受这种危害我们所有人的不负责任的恶行的危害 。五年后,我们看到了这个改革的成就 。
Wall Street Reform turned the page on the era of “too big to fail.”
华尔街的改革翻过了“大而不倒”的时代 。
Now,in America,we welcome the pursuit of profit.
现在,在美国,我们欢迎追求利益 。
But if your business fails,we shouldn't have to bail you out.
但是如果你的企业破产了,我们没必要救助你 。
And under the new rules,we won't-the days of taxpayer-funded bailouts are over.
根据新规则,我们不会救助—用纳税人的钱实施救助的日子一去不复返了 。
Wall Street Reform now allows us to crack down on some of the worst types of recklessness that brought our economy to its knees,from big banks making huge,risky bets using borrowed money,to paying executives in a way that rewarded irresponsible behavior.
华尔街改革现在使我们能够粉碎一些最恶劣的撂倒我们的经济的草率行为,从大银行借钱做危险的豪赌到给高管们客观上鼓励不负责任行为的高薪 。
Thanks to Wall Street Reform,there's finally an independent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with one mission: to protect American consumers.
多亏了华尔街改革,最终一个唯一任务是保护美国消费者的独立的消费者金融保护局诞生了 。
Already,they've gone after predatory or unscrupulous mortgage brokers,student lenders,credit card companies,and they've won –putting nearly 11 billion back in the pockets of more than 26 million consumers who've been cheated.
他们已经查处了一批贪婪的草率的抵押贷款经纪人、学生贷款发放人和信用卡公司,他们已经获胜了—把超过2千6百万受骗美国人的110亿美元放回他们的口袋里了 。
So this law is working.
所以这部法律奏效了 。
And we're working to protect even more families.
我们正在努力不会更多的家庭 。
Just this week,we announced that we're cracking down on the worst practices of payday lenders on military bases,so that our troops and their families don't wind up trapped in a vicious cycle of debt.
就在本周,我们宣布我们将粉碎在军营发生的最恶劣的付新日贷款人的恶行,这样我们的军人和家人就不会陷入债务恶性循环 。
As long as I'm President,I'm going to keep doing whatever I can to protect consumers,and our entire economy from the kind of irresponsibility that led to the Great Recession in the first place.
只要我还是总统,我就继续尽一切可能保护消费者们和我们的整个经济不受这些直接导致大萧条的不负责任的恶行的危害 。
None of this has been easy.
这一切都来之不易 。
We've had to overcome fierce lobbying campaigns from the special interests and their allies in Congress.
我们顶住了来自特殊利益集团及其在国会的代理人的强力干扰 。
In fact,they're still trying everything to attack everything this reform accomplishes—from hiding rollbacks of key protections in unrelated bills,to blocking the financial cops on the beat from doing their job.
事实上,他们仍然在竭尽全力企图攻击这项改革的成就—从隐藏重启对无关法案的关键性保护到阻挠金融警察行使职权 。
And they continue to claim this Wall Street reform is somehow bad for business.
他们继续宣称这部华尔街改革法律对企业有某种程度的不利 。
But that doesn't explain 13 million new jobs and a stock market near record highs.
但是这解释不了1300万个新就业岗位和股市已经接近创纪录的高度 。
This law is only bad for business if your business model depends on recklessness that threatens our economy or irresponsibility that threatens working families.
如果你的企业的经营模式建立在损害我们的经济草率或危害我们的工薪家庭的不负责任的基础上,那么这部法律对你的企业不利 。
We can't put the security of families at risk by returning to the days when big banks or bad actors were allowed to write their own rules.
我们不能回到大银行或恶劣的主力可以书写霸王条款的日子而让成千上万的家庭的安全陷入危险 。
And if any bill comes to my desk that tries to unravel the new rules on Wall Street,I will veto it.
如果任何试图瓦解华尔街的新规则的法案送到了我的办公桌,我将予以否决 。
We've worked too hard to recover from one crisis only to risk another.
我们如此艰难地走出了一个危机,就绝不能冒陷入另一个危机的风险 。
In America,we should reward drive,innovation,and fair play.
在美国,我们鼓励积极、创新和公平竞争 。
That's what Wall Street reform does.
华尔街改革做的就是这些 。
It makes sure everybody plays by the same set of rules.
它确保了每个人都按同一套规则竞争 。
And if we keep moving forward,not backward-if we keep building an economy that rewards responsibility instead of recklessness,then we won't just keep coming back-we'll come back stronger than ever.
如果我们想继续前进—如果我们继续保证打造一个经济鼓励负责任而不是草率的经济,那么我们就绝不能仅仅走回头路—我们将以比以往任何时候都强大的姿态回来 。
Thanks,and have a great weekend.
谢谢大家,祝你们周末愉快 。